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What is meant by the term ‘Buying Motives’ ?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل مستخدم محذوف‎
تاريخ النشر: 2016/03/23
Ahmed Mohamed Ayesh Sarkhi
من قبل Ahmed Mohamed Ayesh Sarkhi , Shared Services Supervisor , Saudi Musheera SJS Co.

full agree with ms. ghada in her answer


Vinod Jetley
من قبل Vinod Jetley , Assistant General Manager , State Bank of India

Buying motive is the urge or motive to satisfy a desire or need that makes people buy goods or services. Behind every purchase there is a buying motive. It refers to the thoughts, feelings, emotions and instincts, which arouse in the buyers a desire to buy an article.

Sidrah Nadeem
من قبل Sidrah Nadeem , Global Marketing Manager , Hill & Knowlton

What are the elements that trigger you to make a purchase.

من قبل ACHMAD SURJANI , General Manager Operations , Sinar Jaya Group Ltd

Here we describe only important buying motives:

1.                  Freedom from fear and danger: Fear is a negative motive but is a very powerful one. The most basic instinct of a human being is self‑preservation. Fear is a very powerful and compelling force in human affair. The marketing man must ascertain the possible fear of death, fear of loss and fear for the future, fear can sell anything like hair oil through fear of getting bald.­

2.                  Desire for economy: Persons desire money to satisfy their other desires. The businessman wants money to make more profits or lower costs. The manufacturers make purchase of high priced heavy machinery to lower down their cost of production and thereby increases profits. In the same way every customer likes his money's worth.

3.                  Vanity: Women spend much time, thought and money on their personal appearance like cosmetics, hairdo and new styles. Hence vanity is a powerful motive in the hands of the marketing man being the safest appeal that may be used.

4.                  Appreciation: Everybody desires to be appreciated and complimented. He likes to be recognized as an important person. Because of this human intrait, it may be useful to use indirect method in place of direct methods that might prove offensive.

5.                  Fashion: It is the desire of everyone to imitate what others are doing. This may also be called imitation motive. It is closely linked with pride or desire for importance. This motive can be well exploited by the marketer.

6.                  Possession: The instincts of possession or a desire to call things as ‘mine' leads persons to hoard and collect things. Some persons collect postage stamps and old coins.

7.                  Sex or romance: Fancy clothes, cosmetics, perfumes, etc. are in great demand on account of the instinct of sex or a desire to attract the opposite sex. It is no wonder why this instinct is very often used by marketing men.

8.                  Love of others: This motive plays an important part when parents purchase all kinds of things for their children like toy, fancy garments and other presents, may go in for life insurance to make provision for their future. A bachelor going to marry will purchase numerous domestic articles. Therefore, this particular motive is as time described as that of ‘home building.' This instinct is also related to comfort and convenience motive.

9.                  Health or physical well-being: Many persons purchase health foods, vitamin tablets and patent medicines to maintain their health and physique well-being.

10.              Comfort and convenience: Most people don't like to exert much. Hence this motive may be well exploited by the marketing particularly for selling luxury items like motor, cars, sofa sets, furniture, vacuum cleaners, washing machine, television sets, etc. The sale of air conditioners and water coolers, fans is motivated in summer by this motive for comfort.

Emad Mohammed said abdalla
من قبل Emad Mohammed said abdalla , ERP & IT Software, operation general manager . , AL DOHA Company

I fully agree with the answers been added by EXPERTS.............Thanks.

Wasi Rahman Sheikh
من قبل Wasi Rahman Sheikh , Warehouse Supervisor , AL MUTLAQ FURNITURE MFG

Agree with all =====================================

Gourab Mitra
من قبل Gourab Mitra , Manager IT Project Program and Delivery Management(Full Time Contract/Consulting Role) , IXTEL(ixtel.com)

Agree with the expert answers here

abdulrhman frikha

thanks for invitation .................agree ms ghada answer

Rami Assaf
من قبل Rami Assaf , loading and Storage Operations Supervisor , Arab Potash Company

Thanks for invitation

I amagreeing with my colleague’s answer Ms. Ghada Eweda  

Ghada Eweda
من قبل Ghada Eweda , Medical sales hospital representative , Pfizer pharmaceutical Plc.


Buying Motives’ is the  combination of facts and the emotional state of a person that generates a feeling within them that they need to purchase an item, as well as the factors that influence their eventual choice of a particular product. The marketing team of a business will often strategically take into account key buying motives within a target consumer group in order to enhance sales of their product.

 Meaning Of Buying Motives Of Consumers on marketing :

There are different kinds of consumers. So, their wants and needs are also different. They buy goods or services to satisfy their needs. The causes and factors which stimulate consumer to buy certain goods or services is called buying motives. In fact, the motivating factor to direct consumer behavior is buying motives.

Identifying buying motive of consumer is a difficult task for business entrepreneurs. There are various factors to induce consumers to buy any product. Profit, fear, dignity, pride, fashion, entertainment, love, health, facility, curiosity, habit, security, utility etc. lead persons to buy products. Among them profit, fear and pride are the three major motivating factors. Such motives may be different from person to person. However, all the factors are important.

Classification Of Buying Motives

Different scholars have classified buying motives of consumers in differently. We can classify the buying motives in the following way:

1. Emotional Buying Motive

Emotional buying motive depends on the emotion, feeling and attitude of the consumers. This type of motive is purely a psychological aspect of a person. This type of buying motive may be different from person to person. Under this include:

* Fear

* Love and affection

* Curiosity

* Fashion

* Possession

2.Rational Buying Motive

All the consumers do not buy any goods or services with emotional motive. They become thoughtful, consider carefully their needs, priority, financial capacity etc. study and analyze the necessity, utility, price etc. of the goods or services. Then they make final decision to buy or not. The consumers become logical, rational, apt and knowledgeable. Such quality of the customers can be seen in their buying decision. The customers buy goods or services considering cheapness, health and security, utility, comfortable etc.

3. Prestige Motive

Prestige motive is related with the want of consumers for promotion of self-image and protection of their ego. Under this, vanity and pride are motives of consumers.


4. Patronage Motive

Patronage motive describes why certain customers buy specific brand goods, but not other brands and always buy necessary goods only from particular shop. So, under this motive include brand loyalty and store loyalty.


In this way consumer buy goods or services due to emotional motive, rational motive, prestige motive and patronage motive.


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