من قبل
Neeraj Vats , Track Lead Security , HCL Technologies Pvt LTD
Inject the DE 7.1.3 drivers into a Windows 10 DVD:
Copy everything from the Windows 10 DVD to a folder (for example e:\\windows_10\\DVD).
From the DETech\\WinPE package, copy the following files to the e:\\windows_10\\ folder: NOTE: Use the 32-bit drivers for a 32-bit image, and 64-bit drivers for a 64-bit image.
Copy the following attached files to the e:\\windows_10\\ folder:
NOTE:Script.bat and drivers.reg handle all the steps required to inject DE drivers into a Windows 10 image,affecting both install.wim and winre.wim.
Run the provided script.bat with administrator privileges.
Make the \\DVD folder available to the DE 7.1.3 client that requires upgrading via a network share.
At the DE 7.1.3 client, run setup.exe in the \\DVD folder to initiate the Windows 10 upgrade process. Following the steps above, the Windows 10 upgrade will start by running setup.exe on the client to complete the upgrade. IMPORTANT: During the upgrade process, Windows will perform two system restarts. Intel Security strongly recommends that you allow these two restarts to occur. The system restarts are part of the upgrade process; you can opt to use the DE temporary autoboot feature to disable preboot during these restarts to make the upgrade process more seamless.
For more infor try thishttps://kc.mcafee.com/corporate/index?page=content&id=KB84962