أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.
Are you a leader manager? Select the most important capabilities that must be available in the Director leader
1 ـ تحمل المسؤولية عن الأعمال أو الفشل.
2 ـ الرغبة في اتقان العمل وتحسينه.
3 ـ ضبط النفس والتحكم في الأعصاب في المواقف الحرجة، خصوصا المثيرة منها.
4 ـ الثقافة العامة والسعي لزيادتها باستمرار.
5 ـ العمل تحت ضغط الوقت.
6 ـ الحرص على الاحترام المتبادل مع الرؤساء والمرؤوسين والزملاء والجماهير، إذا كان محل إحتياجهم منطلقاً من احترام الذات واتقان العمل الشخصي.
A leader is mainly a communicator and a true advocate to the department/function/project that he managers. He is an influencer and a motivator, he may be an innovator as well, or a person who embraces innovation and change.
لأكون مديرا قائدا يجب ان تكون عندي الصفات الأتية:
6-القدره علي الاقناع والتاثير و الكفاءه العلميه
It is said that a manager asks “how” and “when”, whereas a leader asks “what” and why”. In many professions, managers and leaders assume the same role. However, if a leader of a business simply manages a company – rather than challenge its true potential – then it will likely fall behind its industry peers. Likewise, if managers overstep their bounds and attempt to revolt against the company, then they may soon find themselves out of the job. In some cases, where micromanagement is essential to maximize efficiency, nurture skills and keep employees organized, strong managers are an absolute necessity to prevent high turnover rates and the “brain drain” of a skilled workforce. A good leader will also stay in the front line of battle, and be familiar with every aspect of the company, leading through inspiration rather than coercing through hierarchical control. A perfect manager who attains the status of a true leader will be able to lead people effectively and draw on the correct strengths and knowledge of every key individual in the company. Many managers will struggle for their entire careers and never attain this, but a skilled few will evolve into true leaders
فالقائد يجب أن يتمتع ببعد النظر والتخطيط طويل الأمد والمغامرة المحسوبة.
الثقه بالنفس
القدره علي اتخاذ القرارات الصحيحه في الوقت الصحيح
القدره علي الاقناع والتاثير
الجراءه والاقدام
الكفاءه العلميه
I think so I am a leader, I inspire the people, encourge them, take risk, make thing happen, sezies oppourtunity, and expect surprisis.
1- الحزم
بعد النظر ، الخبرة ، الاطلاع ، الثقة
المدير هو الشخص اللذي يملك الموهبه في خلق بيئه عمليه مميزه
حب العمل من المروسين والنتيجه زياده وتميز في الانتاجيه