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What is the best framework in PHP for website development ?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Mohammad Aman , Web Developer , IHCC
تاريخ النشر: 2016/03/27
مستخدم محذوف‎
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Laravel is undisputedly the king of PHP frameworks and spans the widths and depths of large scale web application development. Laravel ecosystem has quickly grown huge with supportive community and boasts tons of free tutorials and learning resources to get you started within no time.

Laravel is built to be simple, easy to learn and supports rapid application development. You get rich set of features to bring any large scale project to life within days. Laravel comes with its own templating engine named “Blade”. The best thing about Blade is that it allows you to write plain PHP in the templates which essentially means that Blade brings no performance overheads to your application.

Another power fact about Laravel is the inclusion of “Homestead” which is the packaged Vagarant box to let you start development without the hassles of installing web server, HHVM, PHP or any other package on your local machine or server.

jifna nazarudeen
من قبل jifna nazarudeen , SAP Basis Administrator , Al Safeer Group of Companies

Symfony 2 is the best framework for complex and large scale enterprise project.

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