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How i can activate the body metabolism to burn fat again after long term of weight reduction and reaching stability in weight ?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل w w
تاريخ النشر: 2016/04/06
مستخدم محذوف‎
من قبل مستخدم محذوف‎

BMR(Basal Metabolic Rate) depends solely on muscle mass you have and activity. So, basically athletes have the greatest BMR. That being said, to speed up metabolism you need to build muscles. The best way is to program individual personal trainings, using mostly machines and free weights. Other solution is high intensity training, but again with heavy weights. Tu burn fat next to muscularity you need clean nutrition.

dalal alharbi
من قبل dalal alharbi

Ways to increase metabolism:

Metabolism is the term used to describe the shattering of proteins, carbohydrates and fats for the production of energy in the body process. Metabolism compensate for the full range of biological processes that occur internally.


Metabolic rate depends on the interaction between the number of calories you consume and how many calories you lose during practice.


The metabolism is divided into two categories - anabolism and demolition:

Anabolism allows the body to grow new cells and maintain tissues. A compilation of all the vehicles needed by the cells.


Demolition is a series of chemical reactions that work to break down molecules into smaller units, which helps get the power.


A person with a fast metabolism you will lose more weight than someone who has a slower metabolic rate.


What is the metabolic effects?


It is determined by our metabolism by multiple factors. Some of the factors that affect the metabolic rate of the body include:


1. Age:

At least our metabolism by 5% every decade after the age of 40 due to reduced muscle mass.


2. Gender:

It is believed that men burn more calories than women because of the muscles in the body's tissues.


3. Genetics:

You can inherit the metabolism of your parents and grandparents.


4. disorder of the thyroid gland:

Overactive thyroid gland can slow down or speed up the metabolism in the body.


Ways to increase the body's metabolism:

The best way to increase your metabolism is by increasing the body's need for energy. Here you will find the most effective ways to increase your metabolism:


1. Green tea:

Green tea contains antioxidant called catechins that help increase metabolism. Compounds found in green tea can raise the metabolic rate for 24 hours by increasing energy production. The researchers concluded that people who drink green tea tend to lose more weight compared to those who do not. You can drink 8 ounces of green tea a day to increase your energy expenditure by 90 calories a day. It is also loaded with anti-cancer compounds, which can protect the body from cancer tumors.


2. Avoid fat:

Avoid saturated and unsaturated fat consumption because they slow down the metabolic rate of the body. Combine with fat and fatty liver cells, reducing the body's ability to burn fat. Fat intake can also lead to insulin resistance and inflammation, both of which can cripple your metabolism and cause weight gain.


3. Exercise:

Exercise is the safest way to increase metabolism. And not only enhances the metabolic rate of the body, but also maintains the high energy expenditure during the period of convalescence. You should exercise daily for 30 minutes to maintain high levels of metabolism. Aerobic exercise can be very helpful to increase the body's metabolism. While walking or jogging, and intensify the intensity for 30 seconds and return to normal speed after that.


4. interval training:

Training period includes the exercise regime. Training alternates between high and low intensity exercise period, allowing you to burn more calories at a time. This way you can increase your metabolism easily. Exercises training period does not focus on the hard-liners running or cycling. And a brisk walk will be followed by reducing the frequency go a long way in enhancing the metabolism rate of the body.


5. Weight training:

Enables brief workouts using heavy weight to increase your metabolism by 452 calories for nearly 24 hours. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn during weight training. Each pound of muscle gained increasing your metabolism by 20 to 30 percent. Include muscle exercises and weight lifting and high intensity exercise.


6. Move Active:

Constantly may help you increase your metabolism moving. Any additional movement is a blessing. Find ways to move a few more minutes each day. Avoid the elevator and take the stairs instead; stretch every hour, even if you're sitting in your office. Whenever you move further

 Calories you burn.


7. consumption of fruit and organic vegetables:

Manufacturers and non-organic foods contain chemicals, which can interfere with basic metabolic pathways in the body. Fruits and vegetables and grains without pesticides and maintain fat burning system to run at full speed without exposing thyroid toxins. Organic fruits and vegetables is preventing the metabolism by interfering with the thyroid gland, which determines the rate of metabolism in the body.


8. Breakfast:

Skipping breakfast slows down your metabolism and sends the body into starvation mode. Eating nutrient-rich breakfast boosts energy levels in the body, and also helps to burn calories throughout the day. They include protein-rich foods such as eggs, milk and nuts in your breakfast menu. Consume protein is crucial for the metabolism in order to walk for a day and prevent binge eating. Avoid sugar cereals, cakes and pastries, which can cause a rise in insulin levels.


9. Dinner time:

Experts recommend eating dinner before the 3-4 hours before bedtime. This helps the body to process and burn food as soon as possible.


10. Stress:

Stress and anxiety can interfere with the efficient metabolism. It raises the amount of cortisol in the body, and promote weight gain. It reduces the desire for physical activity, as well as encourage overeating. People who have a good system for managing stress are more likely to lose weight than those who suffer from stress and anxiety. Try yoga or meditation to keep the tension from your life.


11. Chili:

Another way to increase metabolism is by adding spices in your food. Eating spicy foods to increase the body's production of heat and enhance the activity of the nervous system. Hot peppers contain chemicals called headlamp biologically active, which increases energy expenditure by 50 calories a day. It also helps to reduce fat in the abdomen and appetite. You can try to eat spicy foods such as mustard sauce, jalapenos, chili pepper, paprika and cayenne. Cinnamon alone can increase the metabolic rate of twenty-fold!


12. Coffee:

It was found on the coffee and drinks containing caffeine and other to stimulate metabolism. Small amounts of coffee consumption enhances the rate of metabolism in the body by stimulating the central nervous system. But avoid drinking too much coffee because they can cause sleep problems, stomach upset and heart rate and irregular.


13. foods rich in protein:

Protein is the main builder of tissue in the body. It will help in the implementation of a myriad of functions in the body. Rich in protein containing the amino acid food, which helps to produce the metabolism and accelerate the burning of calories. These foods also help in the release of glucagon, which refers to the fat cells to release fat into the blood, and thus encourage their use. Our body needs more time to metabolize protein-rich foods. Since it takes longer to burn, our body spends more energy absorption of nutrients in a high-protein diet. Eating fish, lean meat and fat, eggs and vegetable proteins to maintain the metabolism high even after hours of consumption. Aim to eat one gram of protein per pound of lean body weight.


14. Beans:

Beans are a cheap and convenient way to give your metabolism. It is loaded with soluble fiber, which reduces cholesterol. Beans are also a good source of vitamins B, which keeps the metabolism moving.


15. Iron-rich foods:

Iron is an essential mineral needed to transport oxygen to tissues throughout the body. It also helps the body produce energy. Low iron levels in the body can lead to anemia, fatigue and loss of appetite. Foods rich in iron include oysters, clams, lentils, pumpkin seeds, mussels, beef and lamb.


16. Omega-3 fatty acids:

Omega is a type of unsaturated fat, which enhances the metabolism in the body and maintains the health of the heart. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids may help sugar balance, reduce inflammation and help regulate metabolism. It also reduces resistance to the hormone leptin, which can help burn fat fast. You can also take supplements of omega-3 fatty acids to increase metabolism. Apart from metabolism, it is known as omega-3 fatty acids also lower blood pressure and triglyceride levels, and the fight against atherosclerosis and reduce the prevalence of cardiac arrhythmias.


17. Do not starve:

The worst thing you can reduce your metabolism is to starve your long hours. Consume low-calorie foods to take away the very power of the body, slowing metabolism movement. You need to consume at least 1,200 calories per day to meet the special needs of your daily metabolism.


18. Eat small meals:

Eat regular meals at specific times, and after healthy snacks between increasing your metabolism. Extend the time between meals will make the body into starvation mode, resulting in a lower metabolism. Most people generally eat less when they eat small and frequent meals. Can consume small meals regularly support the metabolism throughout the day to work effectively.


19. Magnesium:

Magnesium is a mineral that the body uses in the 300 biochemical reactions, including muscle, heart and nerve function and energy metabolism. Increase the amount of high-magnesium foods to give your metabolism a boost. Can green vegetables such as spinach, soybeans and legumes provide you with enough magnesium.


20. Water:

Water plays the most important role in our digestive system. Thus, drinking 2 liters of water helps to speed up metabolism. It also increases the rate at which the body burns calories. Drink water and eat fruits and water-based keep you full longer.


21. Vitamin B:

Vitamin B is very essential for energy and maintain a healthy metabolism. Adequate amounts of folic acid, thiamine, niacin, pyridoxine can leave you feeling depressed. You can also take a B vitamin supplement to increase your metabolism. You can increase the vitamin B levels in the body by incorporating small amounts of lean meat, seeds, nuts, chicken and beans.


22. Avoid grains and refined sugar intake:

Keep your blood sugar levels in the blood constant your metabolism by reducing sugar and refined grains consumption. Products made from refined grains such as sugar, bread, pasta, cookies, cakes and increases the levels of insulin in the body. And secreted insulin from the pancreas to facilitate the absorption of glucose from the bloodstream to the cells. Insulin excess leads to the accumulation of fat in the body. You should consume food and whole grains to increase metabolism.


23. Get enough sleep:

Get 8 hours of sleep each night are critical to the process of healthy metabolism.


Studies and Research:

Alone American Studies revealed that low vitamin D levels can lead to accumulation of fat in the body. And thus get adequate amounts of vitamin D may help to increase metabolism. Researchers have found that spending long periods of time in a dark environment that stimulates the same physiological functions in the body and weight gain. The purpose of yourself to natural sunlight or eating a lot of seafood, such as salmon or tuna. The best time to soak up the sun is 11:00 to 15:00


Studies have shown that lack of sleep can slow metabolism and increased appetite. This increases the risk of obesity and weight gain. Lack of sleep also reduces leptin and ghrelin levels, hormones that regulate energy use and appetite. Sleep for five hours without any disturbance reduces leptin levels by 15% and increases the levels of the hormone ghrelin by 15%. On the contrary, excessive sleep also have negative effects on the body. So keep a consistent sleep, balanced and tried to wake up at the same time every morning.

Dina Samy Abdel Fatah mhmud
من قبل Dina Samy Abdel Fatah mhmud , Dietitian , Saudi German Hospital

Daily Habits That Boost Your Metabolism


Once you understand how your dieting and exercise habits influence the speed of your body's metabolism, along with your metabolic weight, you can practice these seven daily habits to influence the rate of your metabolism for even greater weight loss results.


1. Guzzle A Cold Glass Of H2O


Drinking an ice cold glass of water with greater frequency can boost your metabolism. In a study conducted at the University of Utah, researchers found that drinking eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day can be effective to promote a fast metabolism. The participants of the study were given four, eight or twelve 8-ounce glasses of water a day. On the fifth day before they began their day, they were connected to a machine that would determine how many calories they burned per minute while they were resting, along with monitoring urine concentration and blood indicators to decipher their hydration levels. The results of the study showed those who consumed four glasses of water a day as opposed to eight were significantly more dehydrated and reported lower, or slower metabolic rates. Researchers suggest that eight to twelve 8 ounce glasses of water daily will prompt higher metabolic rates in individuals.


2. Sip A Cup Of Tea


Tea, often used in many diet fads is scientifically proven to boost your metabolism while trimming your waist line. In a study published in the Journal of Medicine Investigation, researchers tested the effects of oolong tea on energy metabolism in 11 healthy Japanese females who either consumed water, oolong tea, or green tea. In comparison to water and green tea, oolong tea increased energy metabolism by 10 percent which increases the overall metabolic rate. The polyphenols — compounds found in tea — are said to be responsible for the enhancement of the females' metabolism.


3. Eat Every Three Hours


The more often you eat, the faster your metabolism will be. However, eating more often does not mean you can consume heavy foods with high calorie intakes in greater frequency. Instead, your calorie intake is divided into three meals a day with two healthy snacks in between your meals. Dr. Oz recommends dieters to eat within an hour of waking up to inhibit the body from going into starvation mode. To keep your metabolism up and running, he suggests to adhere to the schedule below:


6-8 a.m.: Breakfast

10 a.m.: Snack

12-2 p.m.: Lunch

3-5 p.m.: Snack

5-7 p.m.: Dinner

Don't eat after 8 p.m.

4. Increase Your Omega-3 Intake


The omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil have been shown to increase the speed of your metabolism exponentially. According to a report from the University of Ontario, researchers found the consumption of oily fish with omega-3 can increase the fat-burning enzymes in the body and lower levels of stored fat, says Elle UK. The supplement can help you burn an extra 400 calories a day, or 25 percent of your daily calorie intake.


5. Eat Organic When You Can


Going organic can be costly and leave a dent on your wallet, but it can speed up your metabolism. The antibiotics and growth hormones found in conventionally farmed foods could hamper your immune system and slow down metabolism. The amount of pesticides in non-organic foods can cause a above normal dip in metabolism in dieters who begin to lose weight, says Prevention.com.


6. Exercise To Gain Muscle Weight


Muscle is typically more dense than fat and uses more energy as a result. The National Health Service (NHS) in the UK states that those who have a higher muscle to fat ratio tend to have a higher BMR because of the fact it requires more energy to maintain. For every pound of muscle, the body burns 50 calories to maintain a person's BMR. Exercising to build muscle will help boost your metabolism as you get your body in shape.


7. Get More Zzzs


Late night snacking is clearly not recommended, but staying up late in and of itself directly affects the speed of your metabolism. In a study published in Lancet, researchers studied the effects of chronic sleep debt on metabolic and endocrine functions on 11 young men who were restricted to four hours of sleep a night for six nights. The results of the study showed sleep debt negatively impacts carbohydrate metabolism and endocrine function. Researchers concluded that seven to eight hours of sleep a night for adults will help keep your metabolic rate at a healthy, steady pace.

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