ابدأ بالتواصل مع الأشخاص وتبادل معارفك المهنية

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Would you rather answer questions here on Bayt using your own knowledge and experience on a particular field or copy & paste an article from Google?

Admit it or not, a lot has been abusing the CTRL C & V trying to answer tough questions here on Bayt.com for the sake of complying from an invitation. I myself do that sometimes whenever I ran out of idea about a certain question. How about you? Do you answer questions here based on your own experience and own perspective or the other way? Explain why. 

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Loraine Domingo , Career Break , N/A
تاريخ النشر: 2016/04/12
Muhammad Hussain
من قبل Muhammad Hussain , ACCOUNTANT , EPESOL PVT LTD

One should answer only those questions which are related to one's field and  having knowledge about them. i also ask questions when i face difficulty in understanding a concept. To get basic idea one could use google but answering a customize question depending solely on copy/paste is completely irrational behavior.

Ghada Eweda
من قبل Ghada Eweda , Medical sales hospital representative , Pfizer pharmaceutical Plc.

Well, so you ask which one is the most important knowledge or experience , from my view both are important as per situation.I believe that we can integrate both of them to grow our personal wisdom. For instances, If you have a knowledge base from academic background , so you can navigate Google's articles, literature…etc and find answers to professional questions in different specialty fields. And with personal experience you can perceive these knowledge using your own conceptions, values and inventive ideas. Both can build your wisdom.

Thank you     

dalal alharbi
من قبل dalal alharbi

If in the area of ​​specialization is my experience and my knowledge or information I have I answer it myself, but if the opposite was the case, search for answer or apologize for the answer and I leave the answer for the professionals or agreed with the experts in their answers ,Unfortunately I became I receive many calls to answer and exaggerated to questions mostly outside my specialty, and sometimes reached over a hundred, and it is difficult to answer them all, and when he apologized for the answer, or agreed with the experts I find the vote negatively on my answer, and some of them respond to or send me and asks me to answer and search , I hope that the experts invited professionals only to answer in their field only.

Omar Saad Ibrahem Alhamadani
من قبل Omar Saad Ibrahem Alhamadani , Snr. HR & Finance Officer , Sarri Zawetta Company


I depend on my experience but sometimes i trying to check (Not copy -paste )some information in Google and other references to enhance the answer

Nuridin Islam Diab
من قبل Nuridin Islam Diab , Training Manager , Bbusinesss LLE

Good question. Thanks for the invitation. I personally never use copy and paste from Google to answer any question. I'm not saying it's wrong to do that. I just don't do it. I prefer to express my own thoughts with my own words on the subject. If I don't know the answer to a certain question which I'm invited to answer, I either state that clearly or I agree with others who've answered the question and I benefited from their answers. Google is there and will stay there for a long time for us to research different topics and increase our knowledge, but when it comes to answering questions, I prefer the personal touch even if the answer is only few words. We get to know each other's personality and character more through personalized answers, not from the copy and paste ones. That's my preference. 

Ahmed Mohamed Ayesh Sarkhi
من قبل Ahmed Mohamed Ayesh Sarkhi , Shared Services Supervisor , Saudi Musheera SJS Co.

answer from my knowledge

but some times i check on google then take copy & paste here


Abdelmonaam Kallali
من قبل Abdelmonaam Kallali , Data application developer , DragonWave

I'd rather answer with my proper words but, if I know something on the web, I would put the link rather than copy the content.

georgei assi
من قبل georgei assi , مدير حسابات , المجموعة السورية

Thank you for the question there are questions that need fixed answers can not Alajtha which shall answer that one does not accept Juaben whether it or copy and paste If we say one plus one equals two does not have the discretion of the subject, whether the answer is to copy and paste in accounting if we asked that the budget is made up of? Assets and liabilities not accept debate

There liquefaction diligence right here where copying and pasting is not acceptable and can not be

Essam  Abouroash
من قبل Essam Abouroash , Maintenance and Operation site Manager , Abu Qafrh Ready Mix Holding

this question would be written as follow , Are you honest enough or not?

Muhammad muzammil  Iqbal
من قبل Muhammad muzammil Iqbal , Marketing , hydroncon

Hello I know knowledge  and experience in google kindly tell me job Thanks you Allah Hafiz


Yes, I answer questions based on my experience and own perspective.

As much as possible,  I want my answers to be short and simple.