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What are the differences between artificial intelligence and organization intelligence?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Ayu Pauzi
تاريخ النشر: 2016/04/15
Faizan Ali
من قبل Faizan Ali , Technical Support , Top Net

1. Artificial Intelligence: This subject deals with Logic, Reasoning, Graph Traversing/Mining etc. It deals with automatic ways of reasoning and reaching to a conclusion by computers. Some of the algorithms of this domain are BFS, DFS, A*, Djikstra, Best First, Backtracking etc.Search and Optimization are two big use cases of AI. An example could be Google Maps. It shows you shortest path to reach to your destination. AI is one way to achieve that. Robot Navigation, Automatic Clinical Decision System, Knowledge representation in NLP are few other applications.  2. Machine Learning: This is sometimes included in AI subject. However, in my experience this AI professionals are not always experienced in ML and vice-versa. This subject deals with turning data in to information and taking decisions based on that. Some algorithms are Classification (Neural Network, SVM, CART, Random Forest, Gradient Boosting, Logistic Regression), Clustering (K-Means Clustering, Hierarchical Clustering, BIRCH), Regression (Linear/ Polynomial Regression, Curve Fitting),Feature Selection (PCA, ICA, RFE), Forecasting (ARIMA, ANOVA ..),Collaborative Filtering/Recommendation Systems etc.Many data based learning and decision systems are developed using these techniques in areas of Finance, Healthcare, Retail, E-commerce. One of the example is product recommendation system of Amazon. Energy load forecasting in Power industry, Sales Forecasting in retail industry etc.

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