من قبل
Alaa AlHamdan , SEO & Online Marketing Consultant , Hellooha.com (Social Networking website)
Well , yes i usually do visit advertised services/websites if i they are new to me, and usually I dont click, i just copy the url of the ad showing in the text part - no need the advertiser pay for my click since its usually driven by curiosity .
Well I certainly feel like a stranger here because the ads that appear on my Facebook page has never “ Not once” matched my interest. " As an Egyptian user"
Facebook Ads need to be monitored more, but I guess they are not interested in that because they have different ways to advertise such as sponsor posts.
About LinkedIn. I have to admit that never followed an ad because again they don't put much effort to study the market.
I remember one time seeing a clothing ad on Linkedin. Which was the only Egyptian brand I saw since I created my account.
من قبل
Faizan Ahmad , Regional Head - Digital Sales , Kasturi and Sons Ltd (The Hindu Group)
I don't click on the FB/google ads much but i do click on the linked ads bacause they display the content & concept of ads better and they do targeting of advertising well...