أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.
I apologize I leave it to experts
A strategic planning system is nothing more than a structured (that is, designed) process that organizes and coordinates the activities of the managers who do the planning. No universal, off-the-shelf planning system exists for the simple and obvious reason that companies differ in size, diversity of operations, the way they are organized, and managers’ style and philosophy. An effective planning system requires “situational design”; it must take into account the particular company’s situation, especially along the dimensions of size and diversity.
An analyst should not be helping to implement anything.
The role of a strategic analyst is to analyse how this year's plan is working in order to refine next year's plan.
agree with expert answers above
Thanks for the invitation.
I agree with Mr. Achmad and his views on strategic analyst and Annual action plan.
You cannot confuse a strategic analyst with on ground action team. The role is a senior most position that gives expert consultative direction setting for their relevant departments.
The firset know strategic planning : determine whate the organization long term goals should be for the next 1-5 years with the resources they expect to have availabile .. is the sum total of the activities and choices required for the execution of a stratedic plan . it is the process by which strategies and policies are put into action through the development if programs budgets and procedures . although imlemantion is usually considered after strategy hsa been formulated impementation should thus be considered as two sides of the sam coin. poor implemanation has been blamed for a number of strategic failures.-who implemantaion strategy-what must be done -developing programs , budgets, and procedures-achiving synergy-organization for action-structre follows strategy -stage for corparet strategy -organizaion life cycle
I leave the answer to the experts, specialists in this field
Generally involves setting goals, determining actions to achieve the goals, and mobilizing resources to execute the actions
I am not sure how a strategic analyst can help if the leadership has not bought into and has not intergrated the company action plan into their roles and resposnibilites and filtered it down through their areas of influemce.
Al that the analyst can do is to test if the plan is alive in the bejhaviours of the staff in the lowest position of the comany.
Lastly the analyst will test if what is in the plan results in an improvement in the business through test the deliverables of the plan.