أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.
This involves paying real, detailed attention to what’s going on in the area of your business where you want to innovate – what’s its purpose/who gets something from it/what, fundamentally, are the outcomes it’s supposed to yield?
Once you’ve explored and understood the context in which you are wanting to innovate, you can start to come up with ideas that deal with the things you’ve discovered are really significant in that context.
Once you’ve developed some options, sleep on them, or at least go away, do something else and then come back to them. This will allow your brain to process them and make better sense of them.
Once you’ve slept on the options you’ve created, you can evaluate them from a more objective perspective. A good approach is to use the themes you identified during preparation. Do these options fulfill the purpose, give everyone what they need and yield the fundamental outcomes?
Some might say that this is the most challenging stage of the process – turning, with the cooperation of colleagues, clients, suppliers and so on, a good idea into something that works to everyone’s satisfaction!
1. preparation phase (Preparation)2. Focus stage (Concentration)3. latency phase "fermentation" (Incubation)4. Sunshine "eureka" (Illumination)5. persistence stage (Persistence)6. Verification and testing phase (Verification)
Thanks invite. ............... I agree answer mahamad
I agree with Mr sameer abdul wahab alfaddagh answers, thanks for the invitation.
I agree with experts answer. Thanks for the invitation. .
I agree with answer mr Mohammed
Mr.Mohammed Helal pointed it very clearly.