ابدأ بالتواصل مع الأشخاص وتبادل معارفك المهنية

أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.

Muhammad  Awais Khan
من قبل Muhammad Awais Khan , Projects Engineer Electrical , Mirage Electromechanical L.L.C

I think every one has indicated to watch movies with English sub titles and read English publications or those books which interest you and write down the difficult words and then find their meaning through dictionary In this way if you learn new words each day after days you will have  a vocabulary of new words.The perfection and fluency in your language will came once you have a good library of words.Mean while try to watch through movies how to pronounce a word.After that practice if you are shy or not confident just try to talk in front of mirror.Social media is a perfect platform you can contact with English speaking people through face book and you can chat with them as well.In short you its not that tough its quite easy if you try.For further help or assistance feel free to contact.Best of luck.

Amir Ageeb
من قبل Amir Ageeb , Content Senior Specialist , Elm Company

My advice is simple: Practise, practise and practise the language. All skills.


Abdullah Faleh Khlaif Assarhan
من قبل Abdullah Faleh Khlaif Assarhan , معلم لغة انجليزية , وزارة التربية و التعليم

Fluency is a sub-skill of each skill of the English skills: listening fluency, speaking fluency, reading fluency, and writing fluency. The first three skills deal with pronunciation, whereas writing fluency deals with grammar and writing mechanism.

Reading fluency is to read words and sentences precisely with correct pronuncation.

Speaking fluency is also to speak words precisely with correct pronunciation.

Listening fluency is to hear exactly the same words spoken by the speaker.


Writing fluency is to write perfectly with no grammar mistakes and with following accurately the writing procedures.


For improving pronunciation, there are some steps:

1. start with reading and if you are not sure about a word pronunciation, check a good dictionary like Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. It is also available as an application for computers. You can use it to write a word and listen to its pronunciation.


2. Read and record your reading to listen to your pronunciation. After finishing reading and recording, close the book and listen to yourself. Can you recognise all the words you hear? Keep trying until you start recognising all words spoken.

3. Choose short audios and try to write the words you hear.

4. Find an audio script with missing words, and try to guess the missing words while listening.

5. Choose audios and ask yourself "What is the main idea of the topic they are speaking about?"

6. find audios with questions to answer. Try to listen carefully and answer the questions.

7. speak to yourself and record your speech. Later, listen to yourself how you pronounce words.

8. Watch movies and focus on how they speak words (ignore translation because your task is to polish your pronunciation not comprehension).


For writing fluency, you can start with books teach you how write a paragraph and then how to develop your paragraph, as well as your grammar like Developing Composition Skills: Academic Writing and Grammar.


Good luck

مها شرف
من قبل مها شرف , معلمة لغة عربية , وزارة التربية السورية

1. Accept That English Is a Weird Language


Sometimes you can find patterns in English grammar, but other times English doesn’t make sense at all. For example, why are “read” (reed) and “read” (red) the same word, but pronounced differently depending on whether you’re speaking in the past or present tense? Or why is “mice” the plural of “mouse”, but “houses” is the plural of “house”?


Unfortunately, there are just as many exceptions as there are rules in English. It’s easy to get stuck on learning how to speak English properly, if you try to find a reason for everything.  Sometimes English is weird and unexplainable, so instead the best thing to do is just memorize the strange exceptions and move on.


2. Dive into the Deep End


Studying English for an hour once a week isn’t usually enough to make any real progress. The best way to quickly improve your English is to spend at least a few minutes practicing every day. Immerse yourself as much as possible every time you study, and challenge yourself to listen to, read, and even say things in English that you think might be too difficult for you. If you want to speak English fluently, you need to make it an essential part of your everyday life.


3. Stop Being a Student


The right attitude can make the difference between failure and success. Stop thinking of yourself as someone who is learning English, and start thinking of yourself as someone who speaks English. It’s a small change, but it will make you feel more confident and help you to use the English you already know more effectively.


This also means you need to start thinking in English. If you want to say the word “apple” in English, for example, right now you probably think of the word in your native language first, and then try to think of the correct word in English. Instead, try imagining a picture of an apple, and then just think the English word “apple”. Real fluency happens when you stop mentally translating conversations.


4. Remember the Answer Is in the Question


Listen carefully when someone asks you a question in English and you’ll answer perfectly every time. English questions are like mirrors:

           Does he…..?                       Yes, he does.

           Can she….?                         Yes, she can.

           Is it….?                                  Yes, it is.

If someone asks you a question and you’re not sure how to answer, start by thinking about the words used in the question.  The person has already said most of the words you need to make your answer. Instead of just memorizing English grammar, start to look for patterns like this one. There are a lot of simple ways to “cheat” and make it easier to remember the right words.


5. Get More out of Listening


When most students listen to a native English-speaker, they focus on understanding what all the words mean. This is definitely important, but there is a lot more you can learn from listening. Try listening not just to what the words mean, but to how the person says them. Notice which words the person links together in a sentence, or when they say “ya” instead of “you.” Try to remember these details the next time you speak and your English will begin to sound more natural.


Easier said than done, right? When you listen to native English speakers, it can be hard to understand every single word that is spoken. They might use many words you don’t know, talk too fast or have a strong accent. 6. Use It or Lose It


There’s an expression in English: “Use it or lose it,” which basically means if you don’t practice an ability, you might forget it. This idea can be used to help you remember new English vocabulary. The best way to remember a new word is to use it right away so it will stay in your memory.  When you learn a new word, try to say it in sentences a few times over the next week and you’ll never forget it.


7. Learn and Study Phrases


Speaking English fluently means being able to express your thoughts, feelings and ideas. Your goal is to speak English in full sentences, so why not learn it in full sentences? You’ll find that English is more useful in your everyday life if you study whole phrases, rather than just vocabulary and verbs. Start by thinking about phrases that you use frequently in your native language, and then learn how to say them in English.


8. Don’t Study Grammar Too Much


The key to learning a language is finding a balance between studying and practicing. Speaking English fluently isn’t the same as knowing perfect English grammar – even native English-speakers make grammar mistakes! Fluency is about being able to communicate. That’s why sometimes it’s important to put the grammar textbook away, so you can go out and practice those writing, reading, listening and speaking skills in the real world.


9. Don’t Be Afraid to Make Mistakes


Sometimes it can be difficult to put all those rules and words together into a simple sentence. Don’t let the fear of saying something wrong stop you from speaking at all. Even if you think you’re making a mistake, keep speaking anyway. Most of the time, people will understand what you’re trying to say, even if you make a mistake. Plus, the more you speak, the easier it gets, and the more quickly the right words will come to mind.


10. Learn from Everyone


You don’t have to only learn English from textbooks and teachers – anyone who speaks English can help you practice. Imagine how you would feel if someone asked you, in your native language, how to pronounce something? Would you be angry? No! You’d probably be happy to help, just like most English-speakers are happy to help you. If you know any English-speakers, whether it’s a friend or co-worker, take advantage of the opportunity to practice and learn from them.

Synner Mayocdan
من قبل Synner Mayocdan , Senior English Instructor II , Saudi Japanese Automobile High Institute


Your own will to achieve your dream determines your growth in anything. If you really want to become fluent in English, exhaust all the means, starting from Grammar to Spoken or Verbal English.

Grammar first because it solidifies your foundation to rules that you will need to survive the native speaker's world.

Then, Spoken English, to make you feel at ease and all competitive with many speakers of English coming from different regions and hemispheres. This happens when you become a netizen, or when time comes you travel. Like, ever thought that the common word "robot" means "traffic signal" in South Africa? I never thought English will evolve in such ways. 

And yes, practice with as many English language users as you need, without inhibitions and worry you commit mistakes--- ONE DAY AT A TIME. No expert became such in a short span of time, and even the experts committed many mistakes in the process of becoming one. 

In all, enjoy this life learning journey cause you will tend to use much of your life years to achieve your goal. I have been an English speaker ever since the first day I was able to speak, and yet, i still do not find myself as expert as a native speaker is, and I still tend to lack many common, politically correct words in my dictionary. But, I hope I will be able to fulfill this goal in the mere future as I move on teaching the language. 

Hope this helps:)!

ahmed abdallah
من قبل ahmed abdallah , Language Instructor , King Saud University

Create an Englih-only environment around you

Then, practice

Cover all skils.

Don't stop

Rima Soliman
من قبل Rima Soliman

Thanks to help me, I want to improve my English and I should listen to your advice all...thank you very much again

yanal almarji
من قبل yanal almarji , teacher , Future World for studies and consulting

being fluent is the most criteria people look for.

Start with how good is reading skill, writing skill, and listening skill? once you become fluent with these categories your degree of fluency level will increase according to these skills fluency.

mainly you'd need listening and reading. Record yourself talking and listen to it as much as you can to save the first recording. and compare it after doing the same  sentences in a week you'll feel the different in your accent.

Another thing that's important is age the younger you are the easier for you to learn and vice versa.

Mohammad Alkhaled
من قبل Mohammad Alkhaled , Training Specialist , SMSA Express Transportation

Direct Communication with Basics of the English Grammars.

Tatevik Yeghiazaryan
من قبل Tatevik Yeghiazaryan , Head of studies/English Language Teacher , MGA Educational Consulting Center” LLC

If you want to develope your English skills you should:

Read English books: learn vocabulary

Watch English films(with and without subtitles), English programs BBC, CNN etc.(even if you do not understand the full film).

This will help you in case you already are  a Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate or Upper Intermediat level person. If not take English class for beginners or for Elementary level students.


dalal alharbi
من قبل dalal alharbi

The best way to learn the English language:


Learning any new language opens up a wider knowledge of the areas, and look at the cultures and experiences of the people whose language, and know their conditions and affairs, and all the people, especially the category

Young as they are very ambitious future regard to higher education, access to other countries, and travel to the West, and the creation of human relations and cultural, and this confused way in which the English, which is the most common languages ​​of the world, and the way this is a very easy language just needs to the spirit of perseverance and willingness, commitment and continue and repeated attempts; to reach and achieve the language very well know ...

Here are some ways:


Listen to news bulletins in English, and try to note pronunciation and meaning to know, if the person listening will earn the right tone, the correct pronunciation in English


 Watch foreign films English-language and translated tape Bottom in this Arabic language gives the listener understand speech and noticeable and save it and store it in memory, is very easy and fun way to learn English


Reading, especially reading English novels and foreign newspapers, and know their meanings, and to stop at the difficult words and meanings, and recorded on an external search, and paper and save


 Conservation every day five new words helps in the development of cognitive and linguistic dictionary inventory your Ballah English, and earns an individual a large amount of vocabulary that might serve me in any awkward position


Listening to English tapes, even if we can not understand the content, the unconscious mind is will the conservation, registration and capture information without knowing


The most important thing in learning the English language is the following: that the learner observes different vocal tones, and how to use them, how to emphasize the words, and phrases important in pronunciation and delivery information


 Review first hand all that is learned and either save it after a day or a week later or after the month, with the action figure tests; to assess the extent of the development of the learner in learning English


Listen for yourself and you are speaking in English, Let the learner registration bar for himself or a video clip compact tone during pronunciation, and compares them with the proper accent, and this motivates him to develop himself better and faster


 Get the necessary guidance from experts in the English language is a good thing driving the development forward


 Get the Oxford English Dictionary, where is the best English dictionaries, vocabulary and try to learn from it on a daily basis, the formation of a formal phrases and sentences, and save them for example, statements of congratulations and thanks and praise it useful in social life


Good attention to grammar, and lessons learned from the video or CD available in public libraries, including the individual acquires indigenous knowledge where a multitude annotated with some small exercises test


If the person was unsuccessful self-education, then you should turn to enroll in English language courses teach, spend an hour a day learning ensures a flag stays with him throughout a lifetime to benefit from the translation of transactions and personal and public life

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