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Do you thing it is ideal time to start business when things get slow in Gulf ?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Amjed Mehboob , G.M -(Currently Job Seeking ) , Advance Education centre
تاريخ النشر: 2016/06/09
Sidrah Nadeem
من قبل Sidrah Nadeem , Global Marketing Manager , Hill+Knowlton Strategies

  1. I believe the time to begin a venture depends more on you than external market conditions.
  2. However it becomes easier to get noticed when bigger companies are growing below average growth rates.

vadivelan p
من قبل vadivelan p , Electrical Engineer (Cum Quality Assurance Engineer in charge , Fine Automotive & Industrial Radiators private limited, Pondicherry

business need hard work and innovation, there is no time constrain.

Emmanuel Wamweta
من قبل Emmanuel Wamweta , production supervisor , Tembo Steel Rolling

It largely depends on the situation at hand, goals & objectives of proposed business & the different variables in the environment. Sometimes you may start small when activities are slow in the area but later gain momentum & perfom highly as time goes on depending on your level of patience & business goals or objectives in this case. So its better to carryout an effective & efficient market research to understand the characteristics & dynamics of the business enivironment.

Thanx for the invitation

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