أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.
the best way to hide files, folders or drive on a computer by not using any third party auto hide software
is make it compress then hide it
on command prompt environemet "DOS" just right this command
attrib +h +r +s +a Drvie-Name: file name .
and for folder add /s /d
attrib +h +a +s +r /s /d Drive-Name: folder name.
if we have a file named test.txt in drive D to be hidden
then the command must be as following
attrib +h +r +s +a c: test.txt
Sometimes, you need to keep files on your computer that you just don't want other people to see
Hiding files in Windows is pretty easy:
Select the files or folders you want to hide
Right-click and choose Properties
Click the General tab
Click the checkbox next to Hidden in the Attributes section
Click Apply
Now the files you chose are hidden away and people won't see them when they're looking through your folders. When you need to find those files again, just turnHidden Items.
On Mac, you'll use a quick Terminal command to hide folders. Just type this into Terminal, replacing /path/to/folder with the folder you want to hide:
chflags hidden /path/to/file-or-folder
To unhide it, type in:
chflags nohidden /path/to/file-or-folder
Linux hides files and folders that have a period at the start of their name. To hide a file or folder, just rename it and place a period at the start of its name. For example, let’s say you had a folder named Secrets you wanted to hide. You’d rename it to .Secrets, with the period in front. File managers and other utilities will hide it from view by default.
Click the “Show hidden” option in your file manager of choice to view hidden files and folders on Linux. For example, in the Nautilus file manager used on Ubuntu and other GNOME-based Linux distributions, click the View menu and select Show Hidden Files.
The option will just display files an folders with a period at the start of their name.
You can view hidden files in an Open or Save dialog, too. On Ubuntu and other GNOME-based Linux distributions, just right-click in the list of files and select the Show Hidden Files option.
The best way to hide files is to make a folder not in a common location like program files or windows directory that doesn't easily locate of users, except those know how on windows.
go to cmd==>
hide Folder
type ==> attrib <space> d:<%driver name%><%folder name%> <space> +h<space> +r<space> +s<space> +a<space> "press enter"
remove it same just type" -" eg, -h<space> -r<space> -s<space> -a<space>
Simple ! First You Create a Folder and right click then select Hide option on bottom side then press OK.
FOr Hide the FIles And Folder You need to go this navigation
Select your desired folder
Go to upside right corner here you will see one option that name is Organisejust click
Here you will get Folder and Search option
and then Select View option then make it Hide.
Limit third party as much as possible
save on usb drive important files
Hiding files in Windows is pretty easy:
Select the files or folders you want to hide
Right-click and choose Properties
Click the General tab
Click the checkbox next to Hidden in the Attributes section
Click Apply
Now the files you chose are hidden away and people won't see them when they're looking through your folders. When you need to find those files again, just turnHidden Items.
Select the files or folders you want to hide
Right-click and choose Properties
Click the General tab
Click the checkbox next to Hidden in the Attributes section
Click Apply
Par un mot de passe et rendre les fichiers invisibles peut être une bonne idée.