ابدأ بالتواصل مع الأشخاص وتبادل معارفك المهنية

أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.

مها شرف
من قبل مها شرف , معلمة لغة عربية , وزارة التربية السورية

1.    Take a course. Studying on your own can only get you so far– if you are serious about learning English, it is definitely a wise idea to take an English course. There is probably an English language center somewhere in your local area and you can also always take classes at your local college or university. Online courses can also be an excellent option. If you are just getting started you might want to consider taking this elementary English course. Or, if you are a more advanced student and already have a basic knowledge check out this intermediate level English course.


2.    Learn English grammar. There is no getting around it—English grammar can be pretty complex, full of irregular verbs, bizarre spellings, and unusual conjugations.  Complicating matters, English isn’t entirely phonetic, so how a word looks is not necessarily how it sounds.


However, the bottom line is that learning grammar is an essential part of learning any language. In spite of the difficulty of the task, thoroughly understanding English grammar is essential to mastering English. Grammar mistakes undoubtedly weaken your verbal and written production of English. The less grammar mistakes you make, the more fluid and natural you will sound.


3.    Learn a new English word every day. The more English words you know, the better you will be able to express yourself. The only way to improve and expand your vocabulary is to learn more words. Aim to learn a new English word everyday. Flashcards can really come in handy here.


4.    Make an English-speaking friend. When it comes to learning practice is crucial. Ideally, you want to be speaking the language on a regular basis to master your pronunciation, oral comprehension, and overall speaking skills. Obviously, it is best to practice with a native speaker. If you don’t know any English speakers, see if there are any language exchange programs in your area. These language exchange programs allow you to learn English from an English speaker in exchange for teaching him or her your native language.


5.    Read a book written in English. From Shakespeare to Whitman to Hemingway, the world of English Literature is vast, varied, and incredibly rich. Reading the classics is also an excellent way to pick up on the more finer, nuanced points of English language expression. If you are a literature aficionado, you might even take a course in English Literature, like this classics of American Literature course on the works of famous poet T.S. Eliot or this great literature course about Shakespeare’s famous Macbeth.


And if you’re just getting started with English and can’t handle a classic just yet, don’t hesitate to pick a children’s book. They can really help you to master the basics of grammar and sentence structure.


6.    Watch an English movie. There are an abundance of English movies out there, from romances to horror films to comedies, so there is something to suit everybody’s interests. To give your English language skills a boost pick one and start watching. If you’re afraid you won’t understand everything, you can always put subtitles on in your native language. Even with subtitles, English movies can help you to boost your vocabulary and oral comprehension.


7.    Purchase a computer program. Though a bit pricey, programs like Rosetta Stone can be a great way to learn English. They can be especially ideal if you are serious about learning English but simply don’t have time to make it to an English course on a regular basis.


8.    Work on perfecting your accent. When it comes to mastering any language, pronunciation is key. Remember, there are many different dialects of English. English in New Zealand is not the same as the English spoken in Scotland and the English spoken in the United States is not the same as the English spoken in Jamaica.  Think about where you will be using your English and what specific dialect you want to learn. For example, if you have always dreamed of studying abroad for a year in Australia, perfect the Australian accent by learning how Australians specifically pronounce things. Conversely, if you are planning on working in the United States, you will probably want to focus on the American English dialect. To master an American accent check out this this sound American course to learn American English for success in business or this great accent reduction course.

Tatevik Yeghiazaryan
من قبل Tatevik Yeghiazaryan , Head of studies/English Language Teacher , MGA Educational Consulting Center” LLC

Studying English is never ended process: you learn English every day , every minute through learning new words , new phrases , new word combinations. Thus, for me, the most effective way of learning English is realized through alive communication with English speaking people, through reading English books and through watching English movies, news  on everyday basis.

Synner Mayocdan
من قبل Synner Mayocdan , Senior English Instructor II , Saudi Japanese Automobile High Institute

Buenas! Good day!

Knowing the four skills; reading, listening, speaking, and writing is the foundation of effective English. How to build your knowledge?

Making your own formulae of the four skills would help you a lot as you learn. Do it in a fun way, with time and variations, so you do not get bored. 

Example Formula: L + S = K (listening + speaking = knowledge)

      When you want to learn street English, first go to youtube. Then find a good speaking situation simulation.  Then listen, then speak it out. If you need reading to speak, then find video clips with subtitles. Add reading skill to your formula.

Create your formula according to your immediate need. Act it out. Then, find someone to practice with, or to reinforce you ( enroll, a teacher friend, a serious English Language chat mate...), be it positive or negative. In this way, you learn effectively.






Farhana Siddique Fari
من قبل Farhana Siddique Fari , Coordinator , Coordinator at DFA, Dr Fazeela Abbasi, Advanced Skin, Laser & Hair Institute, Islamabad.

I fully endorse answer given by Ms. مها شرف , a 'meticulous' submission indeed! Thumbs up!

Ahmad Saleh
من قبل Ahmad Saleh , Part-time English Teacher , ITA

Determine your needs first. Then focus your study on these needs.

Ali Yakub Seesi Rutherfod
من قبل Ali Yakub Seesi Rutherfod , Deputy DIRECTOR of Education , Head of Department of Social Science , St. Jerome Snr High School

I agree very much with mr. Synner

Abdullah Faleh Khlaif Assarhan
من قبل Abdullah Faleh Khlaif Assarhan , معلم لغة انجليزية , وزارة التربية و التعليم

The word "study" means to work hard and to be patient. So, learning English is like a journey.

To motivate yourself, you have to learn and do well with what you have learned.


To get your destination, you should get in the bus and stop at the bus top for awhile, and then get in the bus and go to the next bust stop, and so forth.

first stop: you have to learn listening fluency: to hear words and and catch their correct pronunciation.

second stop: you need to learn as many words as you can related to the environment in which you live. You need to add some phrases and sentence too.


Third stop: practise what you learned in the first two steps. You can stand in fornt of your mirror and talk to yourself, and watch your mouth movements and pronunciation.


Fourth stop: Now you need to fill your basket with words and thread them in a string to create sentences. pick up5- words and try to create sentences as many as you can from these words. All your sentences should follow this rule (S+V+C). Don't focus on grammar mistakes.

Fifth stop: You need to speak about past actions and states. So, you need to insert time to your sentences. Start with simple past tense (S+V2+C). Now, change your sentences above to the past.


Sixth Stop: Now you are hungry and tired after a long journey. you need to eat and have some rest. but how can you express "present actions and states"? At the moment, You can't say "I was tired". In fact you need new TIME to be inserted to your sentences to express present actions and states. for expressing present actions, you use the present continuous; whereas for states, you use the "present simple". Now, you can say "I am hungry" and "I am tired" and "I am thirsty" and "I am eating a burger...mmm so yummyyyy"


Waiting for bus (Seventh step): I hope you are not hungry and not tired after having some rest and eating a burger. You are waiting now for the bus to pick you up to the next stop. While waiting, you are thinking of the next stop and you say: I learned pronunciation, I learned new words, I learned past simple, I learned present continuous, I learned present simple....so can I say "what ....happened/is happenning in the next stop?" 

Ooopsss!!! you need another time to talk about things that have not happened yet and they will happen later. So, you need "simple future" to talk about things that will happen in the future.


I think you can sleep here because the bus need some time to get here. Therefore, you should revise and practise the seven steps until you feel that you master them perfectly.


Later you can develop your reading skills: fluency, speed, and comprehension. Fluency means to read with correct pronunciation, and then you increase your speed in reading. After that, you learn to read one sentence and try to comprehend the main idea of the paragraph. If you have an article with many paragraphs, you need to learn to read the first sentence from each paragraph to understand the main points and comprehend the main topic.


The last step is to learn writing from reading. The reading texts will be your models. you need to learn how to write a simple paragraph including topic and controlling idea, support sentences, and conclusion. After that you learn to develop your paragraph to be an essay (with a number of paragraphs.)


I hope the answer is helpful for you.

dalal alharbi
من قبل dalal alharbi

The best way to learn the English language: Learning any new language opens up a wider knowledge of the areas, and look at the cultures and experiences of the people whose language, and know their conditions and affairs, and all the people, especially the category Young as they are very ambitious future regard to higher education, access to other countries, and travel to the West, and the creation of human relations and cultural, and this confused way in which the English, which is the most common languages ​​of the world, and the way this is a very easy language just needs to the spirit of perseverance and willingness, commitment and continue and repeated attempts; to reach and achieve the language very well know ... Here are some ways: Listen to news bulletins in English, and try to note pronunciation and meaning to know, if the person listening will earn the right tone, the correct pronunciation in English  Watch foreign films English-language and translated tape Bottom in this Arabic language gives the listener understand speech and noticeable and save it and store it in memory, is very easy and fun way to learn English Reading, especially reading English novels and foreign newspapers, and know their meanings, and to stop at the difficult words and meanings, and recorded on an external search, and paper and save  Conservation every day five new words helps in the development of cognitive and linguistic dictionary inventory your Ballah English, and earns an individual a large amount of vocabulary that might serve me in any awkward position Listening to English tapes, even if we can not understand the content, the unconscious mind is will the conservation, registration and capture information without knowing The most important thing in learning the English language is the following: that the learner observes different vocal tones, and how to use them, how to emphasize the words, and phrases important in pronunciation and delivery information  Review first hand all that is learned and either save it after a day or a week later or after the month, with the action figure tests; to assess the extent of the development of the learner in learning English Listen for yourself and you are speaking in English, Let the learner registration bar for himself or a video clip compact tone during pronunciation, and compares them with the proper accent, and this motivates him to develop himself better and faster  Get the necessary guidance from experts in the English language is a good thing driving the development forward  Get the Oxford English Dictionary, where is the best English dictionaries, vocabulary and try to learn from it on a daily basis, the formation of a formal phrases and sentences, and save them for example, statements of congratulations and thanks and praise it useful in social life Good attention to grammar, and lessons learned from the video or CD available in public libraries, including the individual acquires indigenous knowledge where a multitude annotated with some small exercises test If the person was unsuccessful self-education, then you should turn to enroll in English language courses teach, spend an hour a day learning ensures a flag stays with him throughout a lifetime to benefit from the translation of transactions and personal and public life

ahmed abdallah
من قبل ahmed abdallah , Language Instructor , King Saud University

1- Practice

2- Learn meaningful things that simulate reality and stimulate you to advance

3- Surround yourself (as far as possible) with an English-only environment

4- Use your language with native speakers to monitor progress

Mahdi Almomen
من قبل Mahdi Almomen , Wellbeing , C.A.T. Group

by practicing it daily and to be motivated to do it

مستخدم محذوف‎
من قبل مستخدم محذوف‎

It depends - your level, your motivation, your goals, how much time you have at hand

المزيد من الأسئلة المماثلة

هل تحتاج لمساعدة في كتابة سيرة ذاتية تحتوي على الكلمات الدلالية التي يبحث عنها أصحاب العمل؟