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What is the difference between business administration and office management?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Vaiyapuri Gopalakrishnan , Manager - After Sales , M/s Saud Bahwan Automotive llc
تاريخ النشر: 2016/07/26
amer Abu Eidah
من قبل amer Abu Eidah , Account Manager , Life contact Center

business administration you should have big knowledge and follow the market and flexibility to change the company plan any time, but office management your main job to stuck with company plan and make sure every thing is going by company standard

Omar Saad Ibrahem Alhamadani
من قبل Omar Saad Ibrahem Alhamadani , Snr. HR & Finance Officer , Sarri Zawetta Company


I support your answer

Jed Zainal
من قبل Jed Zainal , Senior Manager , The Malaysian Oil & Gas Services Council (MOGSC)

Office management is a set of fixed job to maintain the routine works of documentation.

Business administration is more than office management, you should have more knowledge and effective managerial skills to handle the business administration

Anand Kumar Gopala
من قبل Anand Kumar Gopala , Group General Manager , Al Riyadh Hotels

Office management is a set of fixed job to maintain the routine works of documentation, doing clerical jobs, representing the business and honoring the client requests and forward to the senior management! It is more or less a bookkeeping work.

Whereas, Business administration is more than office management, you should have more knowledge and effective managerial skills to handle the business administration, you need to have more practical and theoretical knowledge, you should be more focused  in order to bringing the business, into the next level of excellence!

Business administration is the systematic approach of handling things in a specialized modus; you need to be highly professional, to handle the business progress, unlike office management.


In simple, Business administration is a profound study, you should implement it on daily basis, and unless you understand it you never get succeeded.

Vaiyapuri Gopalakrishnan
من قبل Vaiyapuri Gopalakrishnan , Manager - After Sales , M/s Saud Bahwan Automotive llc

I would say that business administration relates to traditional “admin tasks” in a company. For instance: handling the mail, issuing invoices and accounting, managing agendas, making inventories, printing and signing important documents like employments contracts or endorsements etcetera.

Office management refers to a larger amount of tasks. The concept is wider than the sole business administration. It concerns the running of an office as a whole, including its employees.

To lay a definition, I would say that the aim of office management is, besides making sure the office runs efficiently, enabling each employee to be productive and happy in their office! Indeed, office management and company culture go hand in hand. Typical office management tasks can range from purchasing for the office, to onboard new employees as well as to organize the annual team building event.

Being an office manager is a 3-headed job: office managers handle office happiness, HR and purchases at the same-time - and that's the main reason why this job is often misunderstood. In this post 'Understanding the work of startup Office Managers', there are some details about their tasks, the tools they use and a bit on the future of this job.

قدور نعار
من قبل قدور نعار , مفتش قسم في المالية , الجزائر

Peace be upon you


  Business performed with offices and interests in which business is conducted in a series of workshops sponsored by the Directors of the Corporation or a public utility and therefore divided the business into bundles for office by the powers of this distribution we call business administration and management powers of the same office we call the Office Management service managed administrative system as meaning the organization founder and means the discipline of the service there is no integration of differential and difference valuable business volume only and powers The administration of the business of the most comprehensive office management and this is my opinion more to add to the opinion of colleagues.

Mohamed Helal
من قبل Mohamed Helal , Project Manager , GROUP CONSULT INTERNATIONAL

Thanks for invitation....I endorse your answer.

Nasser Abushama
من قبل Nasser Abushama , Manager , Strategic Logic IT

Office management is a routine job to support daily office activities, while Business administration is to manage business to achieve its strategical planned goals...


Office management is a profession involving the design, implementation, evaluation, and maintenance of the process of work within an office or organization, in order to maintain and improve efficiency and productivity.


An office manager is responsible for monitoring and reviewing systems, usually focusing on specific outcomes such as improved timescales, turnover, output, sales, etc. They may supervise or manage a team of administrators, allocating roles, recruiting and training, and issuing assignments and projects. As such the role is varied, often including responsibilities across a diverse range of functions such as:

  • Customer Service
  • Report Writing
  • Budget Management
  • Database Management
  • Systems Analysis
  • Process Mapping
  • Purchasing
  • Book Keeping
  • Human Resources
  • Recruitment
  • Accounting
  • Sales and Marketing
  • Records Management
  • Form/Template Design
  • Website Maintenance
  • Project Management
  • Management Consultancy
  • Facilities management
  • Space Management
  • Risk Management
  • Payroll


The line of demarcation between administration and management is very thin and blur. They may seem alike, but they are very different from each other. Administration means a process of effectively administering the entire organization. Management is an act of getting work done through others. We often get confused between them easily, however, the basic distinguishing point between the two is that management is answerable to the administration. In this article, you will find all the important differences between management and administration.

  Content: Management Vs Administration
  1. Comparison Chart
  2. Definition
  3. Key Differences
  4. Conclusion

Comparison Chart

BASIS FOR COMPARISONMANAGEMENTADMINISTRATIONMeaning An organized way of managing people and things of a business organization is called the Management. The process of administering an organization by a group of people is known as the Administration. Authority Middle and Lower Level Top level Role Executive Decisive Area of operation It has full control over the activities of the organization. It works under administration. Applicable to Profit making organizations, i.e. business organizations. Government offices, military, clubs, business enterprises, hospitals, religious and educational organizations. Decides Who will do the work? And How will it be done? What should be done? And When is should be done? Work Putting plans and policies into actions. Formulation of plans, framing policies and setting objectives Focus on Managing work Making best possible allocation of limited resources. Key person Manager Administrator Represents Employees, who work for remuneration Owners, who get a return on the capital invested by them.   Management Vs Administration   Management Vs Administration

Mohammad Abo Al-Afiya
من قبل Mohammad Abo Al-Afiya , Technical Engineer in Project Management Department , Art Bright

I agree with the previous answer

مستخدم محذوف‎
من قبل مستخدم محذوف‎

Business is how to find earning / profit .. Office is how to make profit

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