أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.
Teaching spelling for the new vocabulary is important as this may promote the recognition and use of such vocabulary items. Many interesting ways can be used for that. Hungman game and scrumbled letters are among these.
in my opinion, when it comes to language, I see that teaching students how to use language effictively in their lives is the most important thing to do. life is full of speeches whether with other people or even with the self. Spelling really is not a big deal. We see how people now write using abbrviations or even smiles. In language, all what matters is the purpose of it. With my students, I look at the meaning of their writings not the form whent it comes to our communicatins and discussions. However, as schools and tutors who are responsible for producing a well-educated generation, we need to teach the spelling along with the other skills of language. The best way I think is through READING, where in texts, the spelling of the word is stated with its different uses.
Yes it is. And to achieve that,you should first look at sounds and word building. Make sure you have a good mastery of phonology.