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What is your opinion on self-publishing? Are these books not as good as books from publishing houses?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Dina Khatib , Brand and Communications Manager , Bayt.com
تاريخ النشر: 2016/08/04
Mr Haneef
من قبل Mr Haneef , Language Instructor and Safety Trainer , Technical institute ( National Institute Of Modern languages)

in my opinion it is good to share book with expert and experienced people before publishing because in this way we can easily improve our writing skill.


من قبل AAMIR SOHAIL , Computer Operator , Ibn-e-Siena Hospital Multan

Books reading is a good thing.

mahdi hojjatipour
من قبل mahdi hojjatipour , tehran-iran , honargraphic

Depending on the content, and on who is written


Tamer Adel
من قبل Tamer Adel , Telephone operator and CID Administrator , The Meydan Hotel

It's depending about your material, first of all, but it's better to collaborate with the publishing houses, because its alternative known and have its infection which would give you a push... from the other side the self publishing not bad and every one has to choice his own way.

Yvan Clot- Goudard
من قبل Yvan Clot- Goudard , Consultant , Y Consulting LLC

If you aim for quality, choose a reputable publisher with a well established distribution network. If you just want your book out without caring much about selling it, then choose self-publishing.

Mouneer Soulaiman
من قبل Mouneer Soulaiman , author and translator , Almouneer

I'm gonna have to say that the value of the book is independent of the publishing method; however, few things can be as frustrating as self-publishing.

The chances of (success) for any starting writer is minimal, and even more reduced if he decides to self-publish. And classical publishing may be closed for starting writers

مستخدم محذوف‎
من قبل مستخدم محذوف‎

It's a catch-22 situation. The publishing industry is so well established that most of the traditional publishing houses don't want to take gamble on new and unproven authors for the sole reason of having high risks not recouping the investment that they will make.

Self-publishing enables new and unproven authors to have their work available "out there", on different channels such as traditional hardcover and paperback, as well as e-Book.

You need to spend and strategize your own marketing campaigns, and if your product goes well - this increases your chance of getting picked up by a traditional publishing house.

Note that some self-published authors don't even want to be traditionally published because they own 100% of the rights self-published, thus giving them almost 100% royalty.

Fatima Desai

Self-publishing is a great idea as an entrepreneur but, Publishing house helps to stabilize the publishing material.

It was checked and scored according to the needs and demands.


Sandra Spencer
من قبل Sandra Spencer , Commercial Director GCC , The Media Vantage

IT depends on the publisher, their skillset, target audience, and content.

So many factors to consider 

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