أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.
The limited Company is a form of orginisation where the liablity fo the member shareholders is limited to the entent of the contribution of share capital.
However this compnay is not managed by the Shareholders and the shareholders permit the compnay to be managed by a group og individuals called DIRECTORS
Thus Directors are the persons entrusted by the documents of incorporation or by election amough the shareholders to manage the company and to look after the day to day affairs fo the company.
share holders are the capital contributors to the company and where as the Directors are appointed are to manage the company and to look after the business process to excel it in simple terms. Also Directors are paid emoluments as agreed with the company for their services rendered to the company and share holders are the profit sharers like dividend, etc. My 2 cents. Thanks.