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مستخدم محذوف‎
من قبل مستخدم محذوف‎

Maybe the question should be " How can organisations develop effective leaders?",as I have seen many a good system fail due to it not being effective.

I would suggest using the following as a guideline...

Step 1 - Cultivate Talent Champions

Step 2 - Identify organisational needs and craft development opportunities

Step 3 - Co-create individualised development plans, and

Step 4 -Follow through on development plans

Wafaa Aboukadir
من قبل Wafaa Aboukadir

I believe that leaders evolve from challenges. If you challenge your employees and encourage them to accept these challenges and take them seriously, they'll learn a lot about the field they're in and about themselves. Their strengths and weaknesses will be revealed through these challenges and the manner at which they deal with them. This way, they know what to focus on utilising (strengths) and learn what areas they need to work on improving (weaknesses). This further develops their character and therefore their ability to be influential and eventually become leaders.

khalil alturk
من قبل khalil alturk , مشرف خدمة العملاء , شركة علامات

Basically it should be the leader scalability ..

And the development by learning past mistakes and learn how to be redressed in the future, in addition to more relevant courses

Emmanuel Wamweta
من قبل Emmanuel Wamweta , production supervisor , Tembo Steel Rolling

It is important to note & appreciate that organisations can develop leaders either through recruiting a pool of talents or through developing the existing potential pool of employees.

The organisation should developed a detailed structured plan that will effectively address the leadership issue (strategic intent).

It should conduct an effective performance appraisal to sort out, select & chose the best candidates for this leadership program Or it can recruit potential talents to fill such positions.

The organisation should make sure it deploys the right people in the right positions in the right time with the right potential talents.

The organisation can then provide a condusive atmosphere to train, nurture & develop these chosen potential candidates as well as providing all the necessary resources to facilitate the program.

The organisation's management should constantly & consistently monitor & follow up this program to ensure that it is a success.

The organisation should then evaluate the whole program & make various conclusions & decisions.

Thanx for the invitation

Roger Browne
من قبل Roger Browne , Manager

The culture of n organisation should be such that the alpha leader is the CEO or MD. It should follow that those below him/her engage with the culture and leadership and subscribe to the leaders behaviours and values.

  Therefore those in the role of managers should pass on those behaviors to others and so the process continues and evolves so that all managers coach and mentor their team to be potential leaders. Are leaders born, yes but they can also be made if the organisational culture allows. A leader may not be a manager yet but a process should be in place to identify potential leaders.

  Sadly as manay 'managers' are not really managers they are unlikely to be able to identify true leadership qualities as they do not have them themselves.

Stefanos Sampatakakis
من قبل Stefanos Sampatakakis , Head of Health Sector Coordination , General Secretarial of Governmental Coordination

Recognizing and developing leaders is a vital part of an organization's developement.

Leadership is a complex aspect and is comprised of a set of personal abilities combined with extensive training.

An organization in need for leaders could start by seeking internally the employees demonstrating natural leadership abilities. If these are combined with managerial experience and capability, proper training should take place. After this training is completed, newborn leaders will rise, and they will probably enjoy wide acceptance within the organization, since they would have emerged from within.

I hope this was helpful.

mustaf muktar mohaned
من قبل mustaf muktar mohaned , HEAD OF FINANCE , TURBI ENERGY AND LOGISTICS LTD

1. Link leadership to strategy. This tie is crucial for any successful leadership development to take place (or any training initiative, for that matter). Make sure you are clear about which behaviors are required for eff ective leadership in your organization and how those fit in the context of the overall company strategy. This lens needs to look at what’s required for the organization today and where it is headed. Ask yourself: — Do your leaders eff ectively recognize where the world is going and how that is aff ecting your business? — Do they understand evolving customer expectations, demographic trends, regulatory influences, and the competitive environment? — Can they make the link from those trends to the strategy of the company? — Most importantly, are they clear on the evolution in behaviors and skills required to lead their organization in that environment eff ectively? For example, if innovation management is emerging as a critical capability for future success, think about how your leaders need to lead diff erently to enable that to happen. All too oft en, companies struggle because the connection from the strategy itself to the new behaviors required to make that strategy happen is not explicit. 2. Be clear on what strengths to build on and the new leadership skills and behaviors you seek. Your leaders got to where they are likely because they were successful and eff ective in the past. As strategies change at a faster pace than ever before, past performance is less of an indicator of future performance. Many leaders struggle to let go of things that have made them successful in the past, even if they don’t serve them well for the future. This is enhanced when there is a lack of clarity on the shift   As you develop a program for leadership development, it’s important that the business is very clear on the type of leadership styles, behaviors, and skills you want to continue to reward. For example, going back to the previous example that innovation management is a capability that needs to be embedded in the business, are your leaders managing in a way that allows people to safely take the risks needed to drive innovation? That might mean looking at performance metrics diff erently, celebrating the right type of failure, and modeling and encouraging a diff erent behavior set than in the past. The important thing to emphasize for people is that the need to change is not an indictment of past performance, but merely recognition of what needs to be done to be successful in the future Driving leadership developmentexcellence:a case studyOne of the world’s largest and most respected automotive finance companies needed to invest in developing its leaders in order to maintain the top spot in the market. They knewthey needed to look at the outside trends that impact their business, take a long view offive to ten years, and ensure their leadership development enabled them to deliver theirlong-term objectives. The company worked with Root Inc. to determine where they were successful and where the shortfalls were in the organization, from both a strategic and behavioral perspective. As part of a five-month rollout, Root created a two-day training program that included a custom Strategic Learning Map® module, an alignment session, and a game. The Map helped to eff ectively convey large amounts of information and enabled people to understand the drama, emotion, and complex stories of the evolution – allowing them to recognize why change needed to happen in the organization and with their leadership behaviors. Icons, infographics, drawings, conceptual illustrations, and metaphors relayed the story in a visual way and helped facilitate conversations to create a common understanding among those involved. The alignment session enabled the leadership team to productively discuss the challenges the organization was facing, while the game enabled the larger leadership groups to use scenarios to bring the strategy to life and see how that translated to the leaders’ individual roles. Since the company’s leaders have gone through the leadership development experience, there is an open dialogue between the top 50 and the next 250 leaders in the organization. They’re talking about what works and what doesn’t work. As part of the ongoing nature of leadership development, the company has integrated a touchpoint on this topic into its semi-annual performance reviews, focused on the legacy of each of the leaders. Most importantly, the company is breaking down antiquated processes and revealing new eff iciencies as it filters the message out to the rest of the organization through its trained leaders. 3. Assess where your leaders’ capabilities are in relation to the company’s future objectives. It’s important to determine what you need as you build the company of the future. You start by identifying where your leaders are today. What does your current reality look like when it comes to your leaders? How large or small is the delta between where your leaders and organization are today and where you want to be? The best organizations are brutally honest, confront reality head on, and include leaders in the process of defining the current state. While this is a tough process, it will position you to get the most out of any leadership development initiative and from all of the people participating, as you’ll be focusing on the areas that need the most improvement and will yield the best results. 4. Create a customized program relevant to your leaders. Chances are whatever leadership program you put in place is likely not the first rodeo for your executives. Making it relevant and engaging becomes critical to get their attention. One-way lecturing and packaged content will likely not do the trick. Leaders are seasoned and smart. The interesting growth happens when you debate the issues that are not black and white, but the ones that are specific and real to the unique situations your organization is experiencing and that require trade-off s. When you get to the real and diff icult issues – the ones where the answers aren’t obvious – that’s when you really get their attention. Foster an environment of dialogue, of two-way conversation, of learning from peers on issues relevant to your business. The process can’t be one-way lecturing. Vary the modalities of how you engage your leaders, such as case studies, simulations, and roundtable discussions. Attention spans can be short, so diff erent approaches that change the speed, tone, and the way people need to interact with the material are most eff ective. Above all, the program and the content should reflect the uniqueness of your business and your strategy and should be relevant to the leaders’ roles and responsibilities. Theoretical alone doesn’t cut it. 5. Start at the top. Testing the program is oft en most eff ective when it’s done at the highest levels of the organization. When this group is the pilot group, they take ownership in a way that will help drive engagement and adoption for the rest of the leaders who participate. Not only do they embrace the program when they’re the ones involved in testing and refining it, but let’s be honest: the first thing people will want to know is if their bosses are going through the program too. Company leadership should not expect anyone to participate in a program or initiative that they themselves are not willing to participate in or have not completed. This is the ultimate in leading by example.

6. Pilot with the target audience.

Before you wipe your hands of the program or mark it complete on your “to do” list, it is essential to take it out to a group of people within the organization to get some feedback. This ideally should be a group of people from the program’s target audience. Create your own focus or pilot group for a trial run. Hear what participants have to say, see how they react, and listen to their input. Then refine the program accordingly and position it for the most uptake in the larger rollout. 7. Make it a process, not an event. One and done doesn’t work here. Developing leaders must be an ongoing process. The leaders in the organization must know that the new way of leading is an ongoing commitment by the organization. This needs to manifest itself in opportunities for continued learning, linking to goal setting, and in performance review conversations. You should make it a habit to find and celebrate stories of success throughout the organization to create lore and a culture that supports the strategy. One note of caution as you embark on the journey: leadership development initiatives are sometimes met with skepticism. People think they’re loaded with theoretical jargon, models, frameworks, and presentation slides all wrapped up in a pep rally. This skepticism comes from past leadership training experiences that fell flat or were not relevant to achieving desired business outcomes. Focus on developing the leadership abilities, behaviors, and attitudes of individuals in a manner that’s realistic and applicable. Most leaders are savvy – they’ve heard and seen a lot about leadership and have a strong, unique set of experiences they can rely on to guide them in their everyday roles. For leadership development to yield results, organizations need to meet their leaders where they are with what they need in orderto grow and impact the business

ahmad haidar ahmad
من قبل ahmad haidar ahmad , Technical Manager , Al Massela Engineering and construction

  • -Gain a deeper understanding of what leadership is all about and apply it to everyday life
  • -Identify the key aspects critical to becoming a successful leader
  • -Build winning teams
  • -Lead virtual teams
  • -Comprehend nuances of performance management and how to measure what really matters
  • -Learn the importance of continuous improvement and innovation in fostering growth
  • -Evaluate and overcome leadership challenges

مستخدم محذوف‎
من قبل مستخدم محذوف‎

There is no easy anwer to this questino. Developing effective leaders would be a key aspect of an organization to acheive the goals in any vertical. Leadership is not merely leading people, but rather being a metor, an adviser, someone who challenges and be ready to face any situations that can suddenly pop up.

1. Having the right person with right skills ar the right place is the key. Otherwise the leadership is not going to help anyone

2. Develop healthy relationship with the team by being part of the team is another aspect

3. Trainings in the required areas are needed to be a successfull leader

4. Leader has to be ready for occasional challenges instead of accomplishing pre-defined tasks

5. Co-existance with peers is another importance aspect. There has to be discussions to learn and educate

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