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How do I add or create my CV on Bayt.com?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Baytcom Help , Customer Care Executive , Bayt.com
تاريخ النشر: 2016/10/17

How do I add or create my CV on Bayt.com?

Baytcom Help
من قبل Baytcom Help , Customer Care Executive , Bayt.com

Click on the ‘Post Your CV’ button on the Bayt.com homepage. If you have an account on Bayt.com, you will immediately be able to use the CV Builder. If you don’t have an account, you will be taken to the registration page. Once logged in, you will have two options to create your CV: 1. Use the CV Builder This is the step we recommend, where we'll help you step-by-step in building an effective CV. You should complete all required sections in order to allow your CV to be viewed by employers. Make sure your CV is set as searchable. Edit each section by clicking on the "Edit" button on the top-right corner of the box. Make sure you click the “Save” button at the end of each section to ensure that all the information you entered for this section is saved. 2. Upload your CV You can also upload your existing CV, and our CV Builder will extract your details automatically from it. Currently, the “Upload My CV” option doesn’t support Arabic language. You can upload different file formats: .doc, .docx, .pdf, .txt, and the maximum file size has to be 1MB. After the CV uploads successfully, you'll be taken to a page where you can complete the missing information. We recommend that you add your name in both Arabic and English. This can be done either from the CV Builder or from your "Account Settings". We recommend you do this because employers using the Arabic interface of Bayt.com will be able to see your name in Arabic when they're viewing your CV or your Public Profile. You have a higher chance of employers viewing your CV if your CV completeness score is high. You can track your CV's percentage of completion using the CV Completeness score on the upper right side of your Bayt.com CV page. We will suggest what sections you can add in order to increase your CV completeness score.

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