أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.
being a picky eater that means you don't eat all the food which is required to make yourself healthy which has a direct relation on your health and it results that you will become skinny
There is a relationship in food choice and physique, Persons who choose to consume fibrous food , low-calorie food results in the skinny shape. Persons who do not take appropriate protein with balanced amount of amino acids also remain skinny. If person choose to consume more fats, he will have slightly obese shape.
Being a picky eater means that you always eat fresh and healthy food, well prepared and well served in the right amount to be skinny.
Yes, if there is a loss of appetite or digestive system problems, or are allergic to food or malnutrition .