أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.
A sustainable building is one which is designed, constructed and maintained in an environmentally responsible way throughout its life cycle
Releveance:For a long period of time now, buildings have been constructed without proper care being given to mitigation of negative impacts that a buildings and its inhabitants crate for the environment. This has resulted in a lot of negative effects on our planet earth which has far-reaching consequences including energy crisis,pollution,depletion of ozone layer and climate change.
Way to do it: A building from its conception through its life cycle may be divided into stages as follows
Design- Care has to be taken to create energy efficiency through use of design which is climatologically efficient, region relevant architecture and energy systems that are most conducive for environment in the given circumstances. Efforts may be to create a Net zero energy building design. Minimal use and Recycling of resources like water and avoiding the use of materials that have detrimental effect on environment also play an important role.
Construction-Using materials with least embodied energy,use of regional and recycled materials and using construction techniques that are environment friendly. Curbing of VOC greenhouse gasses also have positive effects.
Maintenance-Energy efficiency and sustainability thresholds that have been achieved during the design and construction of building have to be monitored and maintained through the lifecycle of the building.
Certification standards like LEED (various guides like BD+C, ID,EBOM),BREEAM,Living Building Challenge, EDGE etc. provide framework and guidelines for sustainable buildings.