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Please share your 6 essential types of SEO tools for 2016-17 for digital marketers - why should we use them? Benefits you've witnessed from such tools.

Free, paid and freemium tools. 

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Stanley Mathew Mbiydzenyuy , SEO and digital marketing Director , SEO Elites Ltd
تاريخ النشر: 2016/12/03
Farooq Ahmed
من قبل Farooq Ahmed , Senior SEO Manager , Data Ladder

I have using various tools for SEO, below are the few tools which are essential to automate long work and make your life easy.

Rank Tracker - Link Assistant

Website Auditor - Link Assistant

Open Site Explorer - Moz

Google Analytics

Google Webmaster

Fresh Web Explorer - Moz

مستخدم محذوف‎
من قبل مستخدم محذوف‎

Thank you for inviting me.

I have a limited hands-on exposure to SEO in the recent past, therefore i will not be able to share my  experience but i could mention a few tools that I had used in the past:

  • Screaming Frog/  Deep Crawl : SF is one of the most important tool to perform SEO audit as it give deep diagnostic insight into the website's SEO technical issues- long titles, duplicate pages, error codes, images tags, page tags, long meta tags etc.  DC is a pumped up version of SF and useful for websites with very large no. of pages (I think SF is limited to 50K pages).
  • Ahref: it is very useful for link auditing i.e to know domains referring to your site, link authority, number of duplicate links, lost / broken links, anchor text etc.
  • Spyfu: This tool help dig deep into what keywords a site ranks for both in organic and paid searches and most importantly you can compare about 3 site at a time and understand what your competitors are doing better than you in term of keyword ranking.
  • Adword keyword planner: it is a good tool to keywording planning optimization for maximizing opportunities.
  • Google Analytics: SEO is incomplete without GA, it offer many different data points to analyze the organic search performance, customer behaviour patterns etc.
  • Pingdom  or Google pagespeed insight: Page speed is important to rank better in google searches. these tools analyse how fast each page loads in terms of time and file size and provides ranking for each page. Pingdom stores ur test results therefore it also helps you to analyze improvements done over a period of time.

i hope its helpful .

Ghada ElGammal
من قبل Ghada ElGammal , Sr Marketing Manager , Royal Vision Media


1.    Google Analytics

The most valuable SEO data is that which helps you better understand your visitors and how they interact with your site. It provides data that helps you understand the number that matters most.

2.    Google Search Console

It is a must-use tool that helps you visualize how your site may appear in search and teaches you how to influence different appearance elements. It also provides you with crawling errors, html improvement suggestions, and much more.

3.    Google Keyword Planner

It is the best of keyword research tools. Simply give it a seed word, and keyword suggestions will start pouring in, along with estimates of average monthly searches.

4.    GTMetrix

Managing how quick your page load speeds are can majorly impact SEO. GTMetrix is a tool to examine the load speed of a page and diagnose opportunities for improvement, so you know how you can further polish your website. Many other page-speed tools exist, but GTMetrix is an office favorite, because of its balance between being thorough and user-friendly.

5.    Google Trends

It shows changes in search volume for different topics, search terms, and entities. Mastering this tool can keep your content current and one step ahead of the competition. For search marketing, it just makes good sense to analyze changes in search query behavior. Even everyday bloggers can improve their results by understanding which topics are trending.

6.    The Wayback Machine 

It is the most complete historical archive of the Internet. It allows you to see what a website used to look like. This is a great investigative tool if you notice some odd traffic changes after you’ve updated your website, and you don’t have a site back-up available.    

Ibrahim Hasware
من قبل Ibrahim Hasware , SEO & SEM Analyst , Dr. Joy Dental Clinic

For me, there are six essential types of tools for managing SEO.

1-SEMRush:-It allowing you to see the keywords your competitors are ranking for, the landing page for each keyword also the value of the keyword.

2-Authority Labs:- It has the ability to track and graph the keywords for your site.

3-BuzzSumo:-allows you to quickly identify what content is working well around a particular topic.

4:-Ahrefs:- It is useful to show the site, position, content view of your website including position tracker & crawl Reports.

5:-Google Disavow Tool:- It basically highlights the sites to Google that you don’t want Linking to your site.

6-Screaming Frog:-It runs it's rule over all links and pages of the website offering data on Status Codes, Page Titles, Meta Descriptions, Robots Meta Data.

Md Sarwar Alam
من قبل Md Sarwar Alam , Digital Marketing Manager , M A Trading Inc

Google ad words planner tool for keyword

Google analytics for tracking  

Google webmaster tool

Gresh web explorer -Moz

Google Trend


Sem rush

sprout social

asitabh paul
من قبل asitabh paul , SEO Consultant , Hash Technologies P Ltd


Google Analytics

Google Webmaster

Google Trends

Google Adwords

Google pagespeed insight


Stanley Mathew Mbiydzenyuy
من قبل Stanley Mathew Mbiydzenyuy , SEO and digital marketing Director , SEO Elites Ltd

Great tools, thanks guys. They are actually some very good tools to consider

Ganesan T
من قبل Ganesan T , Shift accounting manager , PCS india limited

Google doesn't care about if you use static or dynamic content for your pages because Google bots analyze the final HTML. That's why a full HTML/CSS (without PHP) website can rank very well on Google. 

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