أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.
well first of all these two totaly different parts of computer
1:GPU (graphic processing unit)
2:CPU (central processing unit)
a cpu can work without gpu but gpu cannot work without cpu. a gpu is use for videos rendering and games etc.
but when i comes to cpu it is connected to every part of computer. now days cpu comes with integrated gpu but those are not powerful enough. to satisfied your need.
I hope you got the point.
Thank you.
GPUs have high throughput, CPUs have high speed (generally speaking). There's a difference between speed and throughput
As GPU stands for Graphics Processing Unit, it only deals with the graphics and display. However the CPU has to control the entire system. Thats why GPU are much faster than the CPUs
GPUs tend to have thousands of relatively slow cores divided into groups that must execute in lock-step, whereas CPUs tend to have a 2-20 relatively fast cores that can execute completely independently of each other. If you have a task that can be parallelized, such as rendering graphics to a screen, running a Monte Carlo Simulation, multiplying matrices for a machine learning algorithm, or powering a database, GPUs will be much faster by virtue of their parallelism. On the other hand if you are running something that is effectively sequential, like powering a word processor, then CPUs will be faster.