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Do you think Google's AMP is impacting on SEO in 2016/17?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Rameez Bin Abdul Majeed , Digital Marketing Manager , Muscat Higher Education Centre
تاريخ النشر: 2016/12/28

While I understand that AMP is not a ranking factor (in 2016-17), AMP does affect clicks, impressions, and user experience, which in turn affects SEOAMP is only seen in the News carousel right now. Google is currently holding the News carousel above-the-fold on mobile, therefore, pushing down organic search results.

Syed Qasim Abbas
من قبل Syed Qasim Abbas , Digital Marketing Manager , Growth Echo (PVT) Ltd.

Well, I have tested it on my personal blog and I think AMP is not suitable for services providing companies. As it shows the very basic version of website to user in optimized version. It can reduce your CTR plus, the look of website will become almost dead.


It is only suitable for blogs or news portals etc.

Md Sarwar Alam
من قبل Md Sarwar Alam , Digital Marketing Manager , M A Trading Inc

After the different roll out of Google algorithms on Mobile usability, it’s considered that accelerated mobile pages will help you a lot in mobile search ranking. Accelerated mobile pages are faster pages for mobile search.


chris adams
من قبل chris adams , DIGITAL MARKETING MANAGER


AMP is another example of Google pushing for a better web. They want to serve a web that is useful, fast, and secure in order to keep their users happy. If you help them by adopting their initiatives and best practices, they’ll reward you for it. 

Farooq Ahmed
من قبل Farooq Ahmed , Senior SEO Manager , Data Ladder

AMP pages are significantly faster than mobile pages, there’s no reason for a site owner to worry that they could be negatively impacted in rankings because of slow page speed.

Google currently has the mobile-friendly ranking boost, and because AMP pages are mobile-friendly, they receive the same ranking boost.

This means AMP definitely impacting on SEO. But You don't have to implement AMP across the entire site at once. You can choose to test it out on a few pages first, or convert sections at a time so the errors are less daunting. Those errors would also be cleaned up as you roll out the next section of the site to AMP.

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