ابدأ بالتواصل مع الأشخاص وتبادل معارفك المهنية

أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.


What are the long term side effects of using violence to discipline your child?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Salma Eid , Dietitian/Nutritionist , Muscle Power Sports, Nutrition Centre
تاريخ النشر: 2017/01/23
djamel benbaroudi
من قبل djamel benbaroudi , teacher of french , Al-Paramedical Foundation

The weakness of self-confidence -Frustration-Aggression-AnxietyPsychological and behavioral problems, long-term

     the children who have experienced domestic violence are in the process of healing both physically and emotionally from multiple traumas. These traumas can have various effects on the mind, body and spirit. It is natural to experience these, and acknowledging the effects can be an important first step in embarking on a process .towards restoration and healing.

zineb bouhnik
من قبل zineb bouhnik , أستاذ مؤقت , جامعة الوادي

violence is not a way of discipline, but when parents use it they get non regular behavior even at the long or short term

Michael Ghatttas Daniel
من قبل Michael Ghatttas Daniel , مدرس / علم نفس واجتماع , وزارة التربية والتعليم

Beating on the child's effect: 1. Aldharb..beogd hatred between the child and the person Elly Whitrabh..odh relationship Baother course on positive emotions Elly imposed exist between the child and his family Vpetkon their relationship with some unbalanced In addition to his son's child's relationship with his wife Elly Badharboh constantly beaten mesh Ptqom respect and appreciation, but the fear of the person Hitter 2. batting really let the child's personality is weak and easy Alankied..shl fairly exploited or dominated and imposes his opinion and desires Alih..odh Bazar Aktar when the child grows up and Bacon easy vulnerable to bad friends 3. beating Bbia chances of understanding and dialogue between the child and his family 4. batting really let the child feel deprived because he always constantly lacking for love and confidence and thus on growth Baother Alnevsy..ooy glitch in the psychological growth Baother on the mental and physical growth of the child

Kaavya Gnanaraj
من قبل Kaavya Gnanaraj , SOS Children's Village, Pondicherry

The long term side effects of using violence to discipline your child are permanent damage in self-confidence and the child using violence as a way to get things done.

Mariam Alshamsi
من قبل Mariam Alshamsi , Talent Specialist , Ferrero Trading

A child who has been exposed to violence at a young age can be affected psychologically and mentally in the long-run, because children view grown ups as a figure of love and protection.

The child may learn to abuse other people; including those they love.

The child may also lack confidence, patience, respect, faith, trust, love and interest in intimate relationships.

elhadi mehda
من قبل elhadi mehda , معالج نفساني , في القطاع العام او الخاص

when you discipline your child you have not using violence because  violence is not ideal solution for long or short term.     

The neighbor had an old son 11 years whenever misses Tzerbh DAT once quarreled at school told him his friends that his mother learned about it not Adhb the boy to the house told the mother the police sought him and did not find him passed two days and did not find him on the third day they found him dead side of the house and in the evening hanged Mother breath and died Almiskinan this topic is a lesson to those who

المزيد من الأسئلة المماثلة

هل تحتاج لمساعدة في كتابة سيرة ذاتية تحتوي على الكلمات الدلالية التي يبحث عنها أصحاب العمل؟