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What is the unique culture of Chinese people that is driving China's economic growth? Is this can be replicated elsewhere?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Md Fazlur Rahman , Procurement Specialist , Engineering and Planning Consultants Ltd
تاريخ النشر: 2017/01/27
Omar Saad Ibrahem Alhamadani
من قبل Omar Saad Ibrahem Alhamadani , Snr. HR & Finance Officer , Sarri Zawetta Company


In my opinion they are factors more than culture which will lead to growth, they are as following

  • High population (1,,,)\\\\ B, which helped China to find cheap workers and many opportunities to recover any shortage when this shortage found.( no need to import any foreign workers)
  • China location near importing countries , attracted many international firms and exporting countries to establish their factories in China, that helps mentioned countries and firms to sending their products faster to Middle East ( Arab Countries, Turkey, and Iran) and Europe
  • Mentioned Firms and Countries been attracted by cheap workers, so they invested in these cheep hands to make mass productions and selling it across the world.
  • China as a government , has not any investment restrictions.
  • Some political factors ( Impartiality) China is not with western world nor eastern (At least after Soviet Union and Eastern Camp) collapsed.
  • China Currency began to rise after the globally mass exporting, especially North America and Western Europe.
  • China has Many levels of products quality which satisfying all tastes and gusto, starting from less than $1 to infinity. 
  • Chinese have no option, either work (any work) or die without food and other life essential needs, so they are hard worker with a passion.
  • May be others

Yes it can be replicated on other countries e.g ( India, Thailand, Srilanka, Bangladesh, ....) many of these countries and may be more have the same abilities, locations, resources. so this experiment can be applied again and again. 




Shukri Ibrahim
من قبل Shukri Ibrahim , Administration Officer , Rezayat Company Ltd

China economic expansion accelerated dramatically in the 1990s as a result of mass privatizations, and the opening up of the country to foreign investment. Overseas firms rushed to build factories in China to take advantage of its low labor costs.

Replication depends on the particular country Political stability and politician who is ruling the country.

Abdelhamid Mamdouh
من قبل Abdelhamid Mamdouh , Office Manager , Sentra Design & Software

The culture of science, training and work

Manzoor Alam
من قبل Manzoor Alam , Director , 7th Sky Travel & Tourism Services (Pvt.) Limited

Mr. Omar Saad, has explained well, hence I will not only go with his explanation but will add few words too. Pakistan could be another country where, location, manpower, natural resources and capability is available but they have lack of leadership only which for equally important for all nations. Once, they get it then there will none other. Because if they can become atomic power, champions of many sports events, and can establish industrial base from scratch then they only need just sincere leadership with direction.

Loay khalil
من قبل Loay khalil , IT Manager , Nahj El Khayal ( Al Othiam Group ) KSA

Thanks for invitation 

 Just need to know this people more 

We have more elements 

The China - 

 (People's Republic of China (PRC)

- Honesty in work 

The principle of the Union

- Power of Union






Virgilio Paralisan
من قبل Virgilio Paralisan , Workshop Facilitator/Consultant , The Workshops

The success of the Chinese cannot be attributed to one trait. It is not just culture. It is an ecosystem of a lot of things. Let me mention just some of them that matters.


The Masses

Asians are generally resilient, more so, the Chinese people. Add the rigid and almost restrictive way of life under the Communist Party and you have a mass of people who have no problem following orders to whoever represents the state. If China orders a whole province to move they simply issue a written memo and everybody gets the memo and moves. Why do you think they can get a dam project to move in a matter of weeks while most dams all over the world takes at least 3 to 5 years just in the planning phase and another 10 to 15 years to do ground-breaking? By moving whole communities instead of families, nobody can say they were displaced since everyone that matters to them including their businesses and industry moved with them. Nobody has a title to the land anyway so there  are no expropriations to talk about and therefore, no individual "rights" to defend. When China sees a political, military or economic problem they always consider the mass of people they have to deal with.


The Bureaucracy

The Chinese bureaucracy is known to be corrupt, but the individual players in the corruption never mess with the overall strategy of the Party. Those who try usually find themselves at the end of a cheap hangman's noose. China has no problem hanging corrupt officials and they have been doing so by the dozen in many years. It is very cost effective for them. It is just a cheap rope and a little wooden box, a little kick, and The Execution is executed according to Party mandate. And China does not make a big fuss about executions because people are not human beings, they are assets of the state. It is safe to say that even with corruption, the bureaucracy is effective to a point. The bureaucracy is able to deliver when the Party wills it.


The Politicians

The Communist Party have designed an indoctrination and educational system for potential party leaders that has proven effective for more than a hundred years. Everyone who gets to be someone in the Party is "home grown" as they say, and practically made out of the same political DNA. There will be some mavericks or creative leaders every now and then, but generally, nobody tweaks the ideology or the Party system. Once a strategic plan is in place, it guarantees that no leader will make drastic changes to the plan up to at least 50 years.


The Military

The great thing about the Chinese military is that it is big in all aspect. What they might lose in terms of training is compensated by the sheer number of soldiers that they can throw at you. A ground assault on China will have an infantry ratio of more than 1,000 soldiers from China meeting 1 soldier from any country. This is the reason why robotics is a practical solution when meeting Chinese troops on the ground. China will already be able to launch an intercontinental ballistic missile to any continent in the world once they perfect their targeting system. In terms of their military vehicles whether armored or not, their military thinking presumes that most of them will not be deployed for an attack, but for occupation so they don't have to manufacture durable and expensive ones.


The Powerful and Silent Councils of Entrepreneurs

There is group of growing and ever increasing number of entrepreneurs that will make up a new batch of Asian billionaires in China and they don't want them to be in a limelight. China is protecting and nurturing these silent councils of entrepreneurs. They will not openly flaunt it because they are telling the world, capitalism does not work (but it does to a point). They do take care of these entrepreneurs because they are the conduit of China to the market economy of other economies. These are also the people who ensure that the politburo retire with substantial retirement "nests". These are also the people that make Special Economic Zones in China work because they provide a sustainable network of suppliers for foreign investors.


The Network of Clans

China politics and business thrive and is sustained through a network of clans or families that go back centuries. It is the reason traditions and old "agreements" are kept by the strong institutional and clan "memories". Once you make a "deal" with these network of clans be ready to hand it down to your descendants because they have a way of reminding you that these deals are for life (and they don't mean just yours but also your descendants). Relationship matters with the Chinese. This is the reason that during wedding ceremonies you cannot distinguish the family ties from the business ties because each of the directors in a board is most likely a relative of one of your ancestors. I used to have a female classmate who cried after she received her final grades for her last semester in college. I thought she was happy to be consistently in the Academic Dean's List. She was sad because the agreement between her and another clan is that she is to marry a son when she completes college. She is meeting him for the first time after graduation ceremonies when he flies in from China. I thought all along such traditions were gone.


The Leadership

Leadership is merely a manifestation of the intent of the Party. Leadership in China do not retire. They literally die in office. They make icons out of them. They are creations of the Party. The leader serves the strategy. The small chunks of plans that are part of the overall strategy are handed down as orders. Orders become traditions when passed down to families, and families to their descendants. Capitalism to the Chinese is just a strategy, not a philosophy or a way of life but a tool. While most of the West thinks that China has succumbed to Capitalism, they have not. They have tamed that monster and use it for their strategic purposes. Capitalism is clearly and geographically confined to certain zones because they realize it is a necessity. Most of the West has confused greed for Capitalism. This makes it acceptable for Western governments to use the word Capitalism.


The Great Plan

The Great Plan for dominance in terms of economic and military terms were already conceived in Deng Xiao Peng's leadership. It is still in place. The Politburo knew that to compete economically, they cannot bring the world to its knees with ideology. They have to fight with a new tool and a new way of thinking. They did not change their ideology, they change their strategy.


Instigating conflict has not worked well for China. They realized that economics seem to be a better alternative and most of the world call this Capitalism. They created hordes of military officers who speak English. They created teams of English teachers by enticing foreign English teachers to teach in Chinese institutions. 


They sent military officers, intelligence officers and politburo members to Standford, Georgetown, Harvard, Cambridge, and other prestigious universities to understand the world better. How are economies working? How free market work? It helped them plan and implement Special Economic Zones (SEZ). Now they don't have to send spies to countries to find out more about management techniques and new technologies when the brands they want to copy are in their own backyard. Chinese Political and Business Leaders are not driven by short-term goals. Their egalitarian society just won't allow it. So they will always be forward looking and strategic.


If the US is going to openly confront China, it will lose. A large portion of US Debt is actually drawn from China. The US cannot openly start even a word war with China without repercussions in the financial markets. 


China is great and is going to be greater because of an ecosystem that makes it possible and it is not just deeply rooted in culture. They have successfully combined and harness the strengths of culture, political system, capitalistic strategy, military thinking, military might, and clanish relationships to the hilt.


If you want to know if Chinese culture can be replicated, I suggest reading the book of Professor William Ouchi entitled "Theory Z". To understand cultures like China, you need to study more on the subject of egalitarian societies or egalitarian culture. Dr. Ouchi discussed this theme in his book and how US companies can create these cultures.


Ahmed Mohamed Ayesh Sarkhi
من قبل Ahmed Mohamed Ayesh Sarkhi , Shared Services Supervisor , Saudi Musheera SJS Co.

Agree With Mr. Omar on his answer


Manasa Kaslekar
من قبل Manasa Kaslekar , Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist , Smyth and Bradshaw

I agree with the expert anwers

Mahmoud Zaher Tarakji
من قبل Mahmoud Zaher Tarakji , مدير , أوال جاليري

............Agree with Mr Omar Saad.............

Tomasz L
من قبل Tomasz L , Reporting Specialist , Outworking

I can fully agree with previous answers. I can only add that Chinese people have different relationship between citizen and government. They are very obedient and that is why many regulations can be easily implemented by central government. Chinese people better adapting to changing conditions, no matter where they are living, they gain knowledge and experience then fully use it. They are also more independent, citizens have to take care about their future (e.g. lack of pension system in China). Next thing is family, very important for Chinese people, they can combine their efforts for the common good and success.

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