أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.
At the end of day, I will make sure that I prepared and prioritize important one
At the end of my working hours, I'll make sure that the next day task are already prepared and prioritize important thing should be done.
I have this calendar and I also prepare "things to do" lists for my daily routine.
Identify the day to day task.
Focus on what is important.
Be ready to initiate the deadlines.
I always draw a list of tasks that have remained pending and the new tasks that I have to undertake next day, prioratize them and then execute them.
My schedules are prepared the day before. Urgency and the amount of time a task consumes are considered in terms of prioritizing activities.
At the beginning of each week, i prepare a work plan outlining all tasks, interdependecies and timelines. The work plan gets updated frequently with current status of tasks and additional tasks
All meetings are logged using my Outlook calendar as this reminds me and helps track my committments so as to avoid overlapping
including timelines in my weeklywork plan helps me priortize my tasks. However this remains flexible so i am able to make provisions for unforseen emergencies
Importatnt and Urgent, Urgent not Important, Important not urgent, not important not urgent.
Prioritize the job by important and finish all the job accordingly
I look through the list of things to do, and how much time I have.
after that, I prioritrise tasks according to importance, or the ammount of effrot needed for each task.