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both are very important for a starting business with a goal of winning in the market.the ERP will help the company to make time decision about the growth of the company and in the other hand the CRM will help the company understand the starndards and needs of their customer to build a good customer relations that will allow the business to grow by satisfaying their customers needs by making right decision as per the ERP info collected.
I think we should starting from ERP because we need to make more strength in business process or operating managemet in your company, ERP is very fundamental.
Both is very important and necessary to the company , where as the ERP related to handling a complete process,monitor, and full contol for business`activities to save and best using of resourses and finalizing the timely and accurate decesions related to each, on the other hand CRM finalizing the relations with outside stackholders specially customers but I think u should set up a good ERP `system to finalize a good CRM`system.
I see that any startup business supposed to begin with a professional program like CRM ,
Then ERP when the organization grows , expands and increases the sections and departments .
Regards ,,
ERP is most essential for a startup business. CRM is customer relationship mnagement. It depends on business policies. But ERP is a must to start a busines as it involes all operations of a business.
Both are Important with respect to time and need. ERP is mostly needed on intial phases of company to capture fincnail and accounting data to enable a company to make its decision. It is more important and hence is the first periority of a Company.
CRM is a Marketing tool most companies do not use CRM and contuniue to operate with out it. But Orgnization strive to compete in market and to maintain customer relation it is required.
In my View ERP is essential for a startup Because ERP provides strong tool for
long term growth.Now a days ERP Become more accessiable for all business sizes and stages because of cloud storage.
CRM is more important for any start up because it is first stage of setting up the business process.
Both are important for current evaluation of equity invested & returns
I feel CRM System is more essential for a startup.
Both are Important with respect to time and need. ERP is mostly needed on intial phases of company to capture fincnail and accounting data to enable a company to make its decision. It is more important and hence is the first periority of a Company.