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Mr. Saad has eloquently answered this question.
Building teams is about bringing people of diverse backgrounds/experiences/talents together to create a cohesive efficient force. The success of this exercise is largely dependent on the trust in leadership.
Trainers and Managers have to walk the talk - quite simply put but if you say one thing and do otherwise nobody is going to feel they can trust you to lead them effectively.
I have never really quite succeeded in being boss, but I have been acknowledged to be a leader who walks my talk and has no qualms asking my subordinates as much as my peers/superiors for advice when looking for resolutions.
When your people trust you (admittedly in some instances this might work negatively) to have their backs and that your word is solid and your facts are spot on, teams perform better.
Team building is very important to promote better teamwork at workplace and poor communication might be one of the biggest challenges that affects team building. Team members may interrupt or talk over one another or there may be consistent silence from some members during meetings, allusions to problems but failure to formally address them, or everyone nods in agreement without truly agreeing. Moreover, ineffective leadership is also a part of the poor communication problem. Leaders can fail teams by not defining a compelling vision for the team, not delegating, or not representing multiple constituencies.
In my opinion, the greatest communication challenge for managers and trainers while building teams is the capability of conveying trust and confidence and the use of a diversified style to match the individual styles of team members. At the early stages of team forming when the members still do not know each other well, do not trust each other well, they tend to be defensive and secretive waiting for the "norm" to develop. Building trust and finding common ground is the major challenge that could be overcome by clear honest communication and walking the talk proving credibility.
I would say collaboration, harmonization, diversity of culture and diversity of experience as a main values and factors that should be built and considered.
In my view the biggest communication challenge that managers may face while building teams is to convince each team member why he/she has been assigned a specific role. It is very important to identify each member's potential, skills and interest, and then put it in the right words to make him/her understand the requirement.
Thanks to invite.
Managers and Trainers have different responsibilities.
Managers have to manage the team members considering their expertise and Trainers have to trained the trainees.
Trainers have to approach them with clear and accurate information with effective communication/interpersonal skills. He has to satisfy every trainee with a reasonable information.
Mangers are the source of Team building. The proactive and active involvement of the Managers with the team members can be effective for team building. Managers may face the challenges where the team members are related from different race/region. Managers have to treat them according to the psyche of their region.
"The art of communication is the language of leadership!" - James Humes
Thanks for invitation,
Agree with the answer of Mr. Said.
Also, I support Mr. Saids answer
i agree with all answers