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Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm Is it true?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل nisreen essam , Personal Assistant , Salem Travel Agency
تاريخ النشر: 2017/04/03
nisreen essam
من قبل nisreen essam , Personal Assistant , Salem Travel Agency

yes it is true sentence..i fully agree


مستخدم محذوف‎
من قبل مستخدم محذوف‎

My answer, today, is that the ability to go through failures without losing enthusiasm starts from a passion, or some form of inner fire. If that’s missing, then every failure is going to be a huge blow able to stop you. If you have passion, than it’s going to be a huge blow able to make you stronger.

Junny Mar Sia
من قبل Junny Mar Sia , ACCOUNT MANAGER , DDM

Failure is inevitable but don't let it stop you from growing, just charge it to experience and let it be your teacher.  

Joe Seychell
من قبل Joe Seychell , head of IT , Pinnacle Investment

Without failure - you can't learn. Each failure is a layer of experience and learning - they go hand in hand. You dont ask a Lawyer how many times did he sit the bar exam ? does it matter ?... or a Doctor how long he took to finish his degree... And so on.

  • Success feeds on fail to grow. Embrace it.


Thank you for your invitationwill answer one effected Thomas Edison, inventor of the electric bulb, 1000 an unsuccessful attempt and then finally succeeded.

Omar Saad Ibrahem Alhamadani
من قبل Omar Saad Ibrahem Alhamadani , Snr. HR & Finance Officer , Sarri Zawetta Company


Yes, it is true in some cases 

Manzoor Alam
من قبل Manzoor Alam , Director , 7th Sky Travel & Tourism Services (Pvt.) Limited

Yes, it may be true. Consistency may lead to success just need to review the actions.

Ashraf Elsherif
من قبل Ashraf Elsherif , Director of Project Management Office , Condor Electronics SPA

Success is an achievement of a goal within a specified period of time within a specified parameter through agreed plan.


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