أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.
If Syntax = if(And(A1=x,B1=y),True Value,False Value)
This is how IF and AND functions are linked
Syntax for IF function = IF(Logical test, if the test is true then this value, if false than this value).
You can use the AND function in the logical test.
Hi Mr. Mohamed:
thank you for this question.
we can do that as below
=if(and(a1=9,b1=8,c1=7),this is the true part, this is the false past)
but with AND all the conditions must me true to execute the true part of IF().
Great question.
Thank you
We can use "IF" and "AND" function when we want to check more than one condition.
Simple "IF" function states whether the statement is True or False.
Syntax for IF function = IF(Logical test,if the test is true than this value,if false than this value)
Syntax for "IF" and "AND" function together = IF(AND(first condition, second condition, .....etc),if all conditions are true than this value, if any condition is false than this value).