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The principles of peer negotiations is seeking a solution between people of similar standing and status (eg. abilities, qualifications etc).
In the real world of business this is probably best displayed by the heirarchical nature of an organisational chart. People on similar levels would be considered peers.
Applying this to dispute resolution and negotiations is the challange. What i advorcate is the development of a charter betweent the parties to a contract, designed to encourage dispute/ issue negotiations between peers at the lowest level. If not resolved at that level it is moved up the chain to the next level to deal with. The number of levels is determined by agreement, but followings a strict time line.
The process is designed to encourage agreement by peers at the lowest level before the issue is escalated or there is any third party intervention.
My colleagues
Peer Negotiation
In a peer-to-peer situation, the negotiation is happening between two equals, or peers. The term 'peer negotiation' is often used to describe formal work with adolescents, helping them to resolve disagreements.
However, the same skills apply to adults working on an informal basis, where you may not even think of the situation as a negotiation. You may require this kind of skill, for example, if you are a member of a committee of a voluntary association, or to resolve a workplace disagreement.
Peer negotiation is probably best thought of as an extension of peer mediation, a technique used in a number of schools and similar settings to help people to resolve conflicts and problems without resorting to ‘authority’.
A desire to find win-win situation and avoid conflicts without expert mediators
I prefer to wait for more answers from colleagues
Its a negotiation among the equals to resolve the issues within the organization therefore, there would not be any complex resolution. Mostly it happened among the functions /departments or individuals with the similar capacity.
In a peer-to-peer situation, the negotiation is happening between two equals, orpeers. The term 'peer negotiation' is often used to describe formal work with adolescents, helping them to resolve disagreements.
In a peer Negotiation, the negotiation is happening between two equals, or peers. The term 'peer negotiation' is often used to describe formal work with adolescents, helping them to resolve disagreements.
Stages of Negotiation
In order to achieve a desirable outcome, it may be useful to follow a structured approach to negotiation. For example, in a work situation a meeting may need to be arranged in which all parties involved can come together.
The process of negotiation includes the following stages:
Peer negotiation is probably best thought of as an extension of peer mediation, a technique used in a number of schools and similar settings to help people to resolve conflicts and problems without resorting to ‘authority’.
Mr. Keith Wright and Kelly MacLean write to the point and precise..
you can say it is technique or process of building trust between same ranks or authorities.. it is useful because at every level of rank or authority the situations are almost same and understanding of problem and possible solution is easy at same level and understanding..