أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.
Decision behavior should take in consideration few factors to be reasonable:
1- To not reflect stochastic dominance.
2- To count the relation between choice probability and decision time.
3- To count the priorities related to your choice.
Its an approach in which you collect data that has been obtained through observation or statistical analysis and use it as a model in making decisions.
I feel the basic principle of decision making is proper application of 4W + H (What, Which, Why, Who + How). By asking and answering questions that use this formula, one can easily hit the right decision.
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I prefer to wait for more answers from colleagues
I would love to second the opinion of Mr. George.
Thank you for the kind invitation ... is the best choice, balancing cost, effort and time, applying basic management principles: efficiency and efficiency