ابدأ بالتواصل مع الأشخاص وتبادل معارفك المهنية

أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.


Mention the top habits of bad managers?

The top10 bad habits managers can exhibit are:1- Bullying2- Poor Communication3- No Trust4- Disorganisation and Indecision5- Not ‘Walking the Talk’6- Discourtesy7- Politics and Inequity8- Avoidance9- Pride10-Lying

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Nadia Ahmed Mohammed Saeed , T/L. Credi t& Risk , Canar Telecommunication Co. LTD.
تاريخ النشر: 2013/10/09
Manisha p
من قبل Manisha p , Leader of Gynecology and Obstetric Ward, Academic Member , university

We all have bad habits. Perhaps you procrastinate, gossip, or lack punctuality.  These negative behaviors don’t necessarily make you a terrible person—but as an manager they can reflect poorly upon you, and even cost you your job. Bad habits are: Bad body language habits, Inattentiveness, Poor grammar, Temper tantrums, Inefficiency, Speaking without thinking, Lack of manners, Social media addiction, Poor e-mail communication, Tardiness, Negativity, Lying and Procrastination.    

Shahzad Khan
من قبل Shahzad Khan , Deputy Manager - Human Resources , The Searle Company Limited

What I had experienced for a bad or I must say failure managers are;

1 – Discourtesy or No respect for subordinates.

2 – Poor communication or never communicate in time, update late about the event or decision.

3 – Lying – changing the statements frequently this cause anxiety among the juniors.

مستخدم محذوف‎
من قبل مستخدم محذوف‎

I agree with nine of them, No9 - Pride, there is nothing wrong with being proud of yourself and the things you do.

Divyesh Patel
من قبل Divyesh Patel , Assistant Professional Officer- Treasury , City Of Cape Town

  1. Lack of People Skills

  2. Lack of Reason & Common Sense

  3. Unreasonable Expectations

  4. Micromanaging Employees

  5. Lack of Consistency

  6. Inability to Share Appropriate Blame or Praise

  7. Embarrass employees in public

  8. Don’t follow up on employee ideas

  9. Ignore professional growth needs

  10. Demand unrealistic rules of order

  11. Ignore individual differences

Kathy Mustafa
من قبل Kathy Mustafa , Personal Assistant to CEO- Managing Sales and Marketing Departments , Saudi Kinda Real Estate

Cocky and conceited managers are the worst managers!

Antonios Papadimitriou
من قبل Antonios Papadimitriou , Medical Sales Officer , NIPD Genetics

nobody is perfect ! in my opinion a bad manager has bad communication skills, he is disoganised, he lucks self discipline and also self confidence.But if he was like that he shouldnt be a manager right?

مستخدم محذوف‎
من قبل مستخدم محذوف‎


Muhammad Khurram Mirza
من قبل Muhammad Khurram Mirza , Business Development Operations Manager , Al Haramain Advertising

We all have bad habits because  no one is perfect. I agree with Manisha's answer as she describes beautifully .

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