ابدأ بالتواصل مع الأشخاص وتبادل معارفك المهنية

أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.


What is prerequisite program in a poultry slaughterhouses plant?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Sania Badawi Ali Nasr , اخصائي إنتاج حيواني ومراقبة جودة(Quality Controller) , وزارة الثروة الحيوانية والسمكية
تاريخ النشر: 2013/10/10
abdul latif mohamed sorour Abdul latif
من قبل abdul latif mohamed sorour Abdul latif , Senior Food Trade Hygiene Officer , Dubai Municepality

Poultry slaughterhouse:

Is a facility certified and equipped in accordance with the specifications and conditions specified by the ministry to carry out checks and the slaughter of poultry to rule on the validity of their meat for human consumption.

Detection veterinarian before slaughter:

Is the subject of poultry to actions carried out by the veterinarian to observe the general health situation and ensure full free of any symptoms, then decides to allow slaughtering or excluded.

Detection and veterinary inspection after slaughter:

Is the subject of slaughtered poultry inspection procedures by veterinarians and their assistants to ensure fully that they are free from diseases.


Are all include pet bird (chickens, ducks, geese, pigeons, quail, chicken, turkey, chicken Guinea).

Poultry slaughtering legitimate by the way:

Is to comply with the provisions of slaughter according to Islamic law.


Is the process of disarming the blades immediately after slaughter poultry in full.


Poultry are all parts of the muscles and internal viscera and tissues unfit for human consumption, after slaughter, الإدماء and defeathering.

Internal organs:

Are members of poultry that exist within Tjoafa rib cage and abdominal safe for human consumption.

Epidemic diseases:

Is a poultry disease caused by micro-organisms and is endemic spread among poultry have been defined and categorized by the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), which must be reported immediately reported to the Ministry of Agriculture.

Common diseases:

Are diseases that are transmitted from poultry to humans or vice versa.


Is the book part or parts of slaughtered poultry and destruction and disposal of non-suitability for human consumption as follows.

1. Kidney execution:

Intended to reserve the destruction and disposal of the entire parts of the bird that was slaughtered for not fit for human consumption.

2. Partial execution:

Intended to seizure and destruction and disposal of part or parts of the slaughtered bird to lack of suitability for human consumption.


Bird is the process of preparing to remove feathers.

Cooling process:

Are keeping the meat at a temperature of (zero to +1 m e).


Is the development of a food item in a package suitable display allows consumers according to their nature that carry the data required according to IEC food label.

Food label:

Any patch or something pictorial or descriptive, whether written or printed or boldface milestone extension potted food, continued, or a companion to him.


Is a person who holds a bachelor's degree in veterinary medicine and authorized by the ministry or its affiliates, to oversee the slaughterhouse or you make the detection and examination of poultry before and after slaughter, and determine the validity of their meat for human consumption.

Assistant veterinarian:

Is a person who holds a diploma in the field of veterinary medicine and authorized by the ministry to do the work.


They are employees who perform investor Business different بالمسلخ.


Technically is a place equipped with equipment and materials to do the analysis to conduct analyzes and laboratory tests to confirm the validity of meat for human consumption.


Is the annihilation of microorganisms sticking with the tools, equipment and utensils used in the detection of meat, using the means allocated for this purpose.


Is genocide or stop the growth of micro-organisms or reduce their number to the level it is harmful to the environment and the safety of meat, using water and appropriate chemicals (disinfectants and detergents) to clean floors and walls of the slaughterhouse, machinery and equipment and otherwise.


Are the remains of the slaughter process and parts unfit for human consumption, including meat bad.


Outputs are operating and cleaning should be disposed of.

Health requirements:

Is the health requirements and standards that must be met in slaughterhouses and employees of cleanliness and so on.Most important functions of the slaughter of poultry slaughterhouse and a veterinary examination before and after slaughter, to make sure they are free of any satisfactory pathogens that may cause injury to the consumer health and beams are processed and placed in suitable containers (bags writes them food card data).


Not be less lighting in production lines for400 lux in the areas of detection of600 lux, and do not affect to distinguish colors and be close to the product.


Insurance serial numbers in the form of rings are placed on a bird to be slaughtered if necessary


 Bumper following requirements:


Provide adequate water and the water is compressed and conform to the specifications and standards.


Use antiseptic and at least one clearing operations and floors slaughterhouse equipment such as hot water (at least85 ° C) or chlorine or triphosphate or acetic acid or lactic acid that is to change the type of sanitizer as instructed by the use of assessments for each disinfectant.


Ensure free bags and packing boxes pollutants with periodic sampling to be tested.


Make sure complete الإدماء process properly.


Maintaining the cleanliness and scalding water temperature in the range of55 ° C with the use of a proper disinfectants and focusing allowed.


Be emptied regularly scalding pools at least once each working day for cleaning and disinfection.


Provide cooling refrigerators fit with the production capacity of the slaughterhouse and the allocation of dormitory for rapid cooling and another for normal cooling.


Use the kettle with water temperature of85 degrees Celsius, at least to disinfect knives used in slaughtering and cutting and that the group using these knives in quick succession in the slaughtering process.


The investor taking into account the general rules of hygiene inside the slaughterhouse constantly.


Immediate cleaning around the slaughterhouse, and taking into account the daily cleansing and disinfection of equipment and slaughterhouse floors and whenever the need arises.


Not to mix the birds coming from different farms or sheds a different set separately for each time a poultry farm.


The samples are taken periodically to check the products to make sure they are free of diseases, especially Salmonella.


Do not allow unauthorized persons to enter the slaughterhouse.


To maintain the cleanliness of the meat and not exposed to any contamination until delivered to its owner.


Make sure health conditions that convey the product from the slaughterhouse to the market, taking into account the instructions issued in this regard.


The owner of the product liability period planned withdrawal of the drug before slaughter and attach a letter with a flock of poultry explaining the health status of the herd and the last dose was given to him and pharmaceutical kind.


That the waste is removed first hand, and inflicted automated with high production capacity of waste treatment plant prior to disposal in the manner determined by the municipality in the case of the absence of a waste treatment plant shall be disposed of in accordance with methods set by the municipality and under its supervision.


Agreement with Secretariat Oualbldeh the types and quantities of detergents and disinfectants used by secured with determining how and dates of use.


Anti stray animals, dogs, cats, insects and rodents inside the slaughterhouse, with a-fence perimeter بالمسلخ to prevent it.


Be encouraging machinery, equipment and utensils used manufactured from non-corrosive, easy to clean and should preferably be non-steel rustproof.


Register allocation for follow-up visits by the Secretariat or the municipality.


Ammar Mubarak Mustafa Makkawi
من قبل Ammar Mubarak Mustafa Makkawi , KUKU DAIRY AGRICULTURAL SCHEME GENERAL MANAGER , Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Wealth and Irrigation

Pre­requisite programmes

Good manufacturing practices and good hygiene practices are specified under the following four pre requisite programmes:

1) structure2) maintenance3) services4) operations

It is essential for management to keep accurate records of pre requisite programmes that may include but are not limited to:


premises and equipment,



cleaning / sanitation,

residue control programme,

services (e.g. water and pest control),

waste management and

product recall / withdrawal and traceability.

This is for their own benefit and for the auditor(s) performing external audits. Complete, well organised records can help ensure control over the maintenance of facilities and equipment. The key to maintaining records is continual updating ensuring that new information is added to existing inspection records, as they become available. It must be noted that record keeping on its otn does not ensure slaughterhouse hygiene. Records only help to support the pre requisite programmes.

There are a number of records that must be held, by law, for certain periods of time. The slaughterhouse owner must maintain records of all animals entering the slaughterhouse and slaughter products leaving, any checks carried out and the results of those checks and these records must be maintained for six months. Any microbiological checks carried out on the general hygiene of conditions of production and on production equipment must keep their results for a period of two years.. Carcase microbiological records must be kept for a period of at least eighteen months.

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