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Fedelio program or Opera or scala
Catering companies have specific needs to manage food processing and distribution, which are addressed by catering software. This type of software primarily helps caterers with order management, production planning, delivery, and invoicing. Some solutions also provide features that support marketing and sales efforts. Catering software enables catering companies to plan food production according to customer demand and increase the accuracy of their deliveries. Catering software can also help with analyzing the efficiency and the quality of the services that they deliver. Here is a list of some softwares:
Role of cost accountant in the finance department of catering companies:
The role of cost accountant in the system of finance companies catering is the same role
In any other companies, however different the type of activity is because the objectives of cost accounting are one and do not change with the change of activity.
It aims to limit the costs incurred by the company in the production process by assessing all types of costs spent on the input of each production step as a component of capital. These elements are the first to be measured and recorded in the initial (independent) cost accounting records of the entities, These data are then compared to the outputs of the production process (the actual results of profit or loss) to help the company's management measure financial performance.
Tracking the cost, see the prices of raw materials used and the quantities used to reach the final product and compare it with selling prices to reach the best product at the lowest cost.
Role of Cost Accountant:
- Pricing of sales lists - Determining the value of withdrawals - Monitoring the value of salaries and their impact on the institution - Offering different offers at suitable prices to increase the percentage of sales - Inventory control -
Defining a stock security limit - making internal periodic inventory to track waste rates, compared to sales.
- Role of cost accountant:
* censorship and Control the operating bonuses used .
* Verify storage operations correctly .
* Check that the items involved in the manufacture of meals are not stored in large quantities because they are perishable and therefore affect the cost .
- For costs:
Actual cost ratio = first-period inventory of purchases less inventory remaining ÷ sales
A food cost center is set up and then a sub-center for the food in operation / code is also prepared for each restaurant.
* The cost of the meal is calculated;
Calculates units of quantities of the items included in them calculated at the moving average rate eg + value of hours worked. And calculating the consumer cost of food tools: paper and plastic * Added to them also the cost of services of electricity, water and telephone maintenance.
The quantities required for each type of meal are provided and priced so that when a customer requests a certain meal, the pre-determined mix of quantities is disbursed.
Start the cost tracking steps in the restaurants from the kitchen where the chef costs the chef or the chef to calculate the quantities needed by any type of food, for example grilled meat how much amount of meat needed to work kilo grilled meat and meat type, and how much amount of onions, tomatoes and spices needed by - The accountant must know the price of each quantity given by the chef from the purchase invoices
Or from the accounts of suppliers
He can figure out the cost of kilo grilled meat, and his role is comparing costs Meals with their price.
Limit the thing tha not nesesary in the event
Control the food that serve with enough quantity
SAP system ideal for cost control software