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Is enough to get a trend of vibrations to diagnose a fail, in a bearing, before it will occur?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل مستخدم محذوف‎
تاريخ النشر: 2017/07/11
Ibrahim Masoud
من قبل Ibrahim Masoud , Condition Monitoring Engineer , Egyptian Projects Operation & Maintenance.

No , it is not enough , but you can use the bearing analysis techniques like PeakVue ,SPM and HFD...etc to find the bearing frequencies and investigate the bearing problem before failure.

In the spectra data ,if you found a non-synchronous peaks and an increase in the high frequency band , it might be a bearing problem. 

gregorio viado
من قبل gregorio viado , Maintenance Controller , Alesayi Beverage Corp

Vibration trend is just one factor, temperature, mounting, alignments are also another things should be considered.


Kamran Tajfar
من قبل Kamran Tajfar

No You need spectra and some kinnd of bearing condition parameter.

ismail kather
من قبل ismail kather , Machinery engineer , KEMYA

No way!!!! Trend will be used for indicating a current scenario, whether will need to take an action or not

Ahmed Eltahir
من قبل Ahmed Eltahir , MECHNANICAL MAINTENANCE ENGINEER , Sudanese Hydrogeneration Company

 Vibration trend only is not enough to specify the bearing condition in many situation you have to take the temperature, noise and previous maintenance records into consideration, however the vibration trend some time indicates for the alignment condition, pipe stress and soft foot ...etc. but sometimes increasing in the vibration magnitude and appearance of bearing frequency (gearmesh)  in the spectrum analyses  according to bearing specification can be an indicator for bearing failure.

Abdulraheem Saqer
من قبل Abdulraheem Saqer , preventive maintenance engineer , Manaseer cement industry

no, analyzing the spectrum will do

من قبل GANESH KUMAR Mohandas , Engineer- Condition Monitoring , Special Oilfield Services Co LLC

Vibration trend is not enough for bearing failures, any one the technique like (Spike energy, envelope spectrum,HFD,Peakvue,shock pulse) are the best indicators of bearing defects, velocity spectrum analysis  is more important for fatigue related failures

مستخدم محذوف‎
من قبل مستخدم محذوف‎

Vibration overall trend is not enough to detect bearing failure, we should have a vibration history records of that machine, bearings using vibration spectrum to recognize the up normal increase.    

Abdullah Abdulhakim Binhawy  Bawazir
من قبل Abdullah Abdulhakim Binhawy Bawazir , Reliability Engineer , Arabian Yemen Cement Company Ltd

1- Faluts in bearings generate Non-Synchronous peaks 2- Bearing defect frequencies is BPFI,BPFO,BSF,FTF 3- Bearing Faluts Stages Stage one : Too early to take action , routine data misses due to high frequencies can be detected by HFD, Airborne ultrasound , peak Vue Action is lubricate correctly. Stage two : Can be detected by HFD , envelope , acceleration spectrum. Action is lubricate correctly and more monitoring Stage three: Now bearing defect frequencies appears with harmonics, sidebands and noise floor. Can be detected by HFD, envelope , acceleration spectrum , velocity spectrum , timewave Action is replace as soon as possible and more monitoring. Stage four : Damage will cause damage in other components Replace now

من قبل MAJDI MAAZAOUI , Responsable services de prise en charge et animation réseaux automobile , 3R services

Si un roulement est fatigué

Tendez l'oreille dans les grandes courbes prises à vive allure. Un ronron ou un grognement que l'on ne perçoit que dans un virage à droite trahit un roulement de roue gauche (donc la roue en appui) défaillant. Il ne reste qu'a déterminer si c'est celui de devant ou de derrière. Le diagnostic peut être peaufiné en levant la roue suspecte à l'aide du cric pour rechercher un jeu anormal. Empoignez alors fermement le pneu comme sur la photo et secouez doucement. Vous pouvez aussi faire tourner la roue à vide en écoutant près du moyeu. La réparation passe par le remplacement pur et simple du roulement défectueux. La plupart du temps ça ne presse pas. Un roulement peut grogner longtemps avant d'exploser. Cela dit, il peut aussi vous lâcher brutalement et vous laisser sur le bord de la route (c'est quand même assez rare). Quant à la possibilité de perdre une roue, elle est vraiment très réduite. Si par malchance le roulement casse, vous ne pourrez pas l'ignorer. Le bruit provenant de la roue devient assourdissant, la voiture tremble et avancer à plus de 30 km/h relève de la folie suicidaire...

Le remplacement d'un roulement de roue coûtant à peu près 500 F, ne tardez pas trop. Si vous le faites vous même, évitez de taper avec un marteau pour sortir le roulement cassé et surtout pour placer le nouveau. En théorie, ils s'extraient à l'aide d'une presse.

Abdullah Al-Barqi
من قبل Abdullah Al-Barqi , Reliability Engineer , Saudi Aramco

The vibration trend should told exactly what is the symptom of the failure on the bearing, however; there is several factors could impact the data collected, e.g. abnormality of  process and vibration being transferred from other equipment. Thus, to answer this question. Yes the vibration trend can be enough to diagnose the bearing failure before it occur if all other affected factures were suppressed.     

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