أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.
Instude of using more cement in the construction, use new construction chemicals like PC based admixture /flyash/ GGBS/ using low cost sand/ using fibres in the plastring and redusing the thickness of plasting. fixing the tiles dont use the cent morter, in the same place use tile adhesives cost will reduces.
Simplest way are Value Engineering and fair negotiation with Contractor/Supplier for control the cost of construction activity
The cost plan should, include the best possible estimate of the cash flow
for the project and should also set targets for future running costs.
The cost plan should cover all stages of the project and will be the
essential reference against which the project costs are managed.
The method used to determine the budget will vary at different stages of the project,
although the degree of certainty should increase as project elements become better
defined. The budget should be based on the client’s business case and should change
only if the business case changes. The aim of cost control is to produce the best
possible building within the budget
The cost plan provides the basis for a cash flow plan, allocating expenditure and
income to each period of the client’s financial year. The expenditures should be
given at a stated base-date level and at out-turn levels based upon a stated
forecast of inflation.
Any activity at the site have equivalent cost, but we can control it in different ways
* Avoid delays (One of the factors that have a great impact) using proper time management and framework
* "Do it now" impression - waiting is cost
* Ask further instruction if it is not clear. Asking question is not necessarily mean that you understand it. "Better sure than sorry"