ابدأ بالتواصل مع الأشخاص وتبادل معارفك المهنية

أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.


In your opinion, what makes Arabic culture food unique?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Thurayya Al Qasim , Legal Counsellor , Ihqaq Law Firm
تاريخ النشر: 2017/08/27
Aiman Wannan
من قبل Aiman Wannan , Government relations manager , Hilton Doha The Pearl Residences

…قراءة المزيد

I believe it s unique because its a mix between many cultures from gulf countries to Spanish kitchen . 

dalal alharbi
من قبل dalal alharbi

…قراءة المزيد





 هي واحدة من المطابخ التي تغطي العالم العربي من الشرق إلى الغرب. وقد تأثر المطبخ العربي بمطابخ بلاد الشام، تركيا والأمازيغية والأقباط والشعوب الأخرى في تلك المناطق.


ميزات المطبخ العربي:

 الدهنية والغنية بالسعرات الحرارية.

 مجموعة متنوعة من المأكولات من المطبخ.

التنويع بين الوجبات لأحداث مثل العطلات والوجبات العادية.


المطبخ العربي هو واحد من أشهر المأكولات في العالم، مع المأكولات اللذيذة والمعجنات اللذيذة.


 مثل المطابخ العالمية الأخرى، الأطباق العربية تتراوح بين الأطباق الرئيسية، مقبلات، أطباق جانبية، السلطات، الحساء والحلويات.


الأطباق الرئيسية في العالم العربي هي الأرز واللحوم والدجاج وأطباق السمك.


 أشهر الأطباق في العالم العربي هي:

 Mundi, Biryani, Kibsa and other foods that are spread especially during the holy month of Ramadan and Eid al-Adha if I attended meat.


 As for the side dishes and appetizers, they are also mainly on the table and decorated, and is famous in this framework, such as sambosah, falafel, mutabiq, potato trays ...


 The salads and soups are also one of the most prepared dishes in the Arab cuisine. This kitchen is unique in its taste and taste, while the lentil soup is one of the most popular types of soups.


To this, Arabic sweets are of all kinds of features of this kitchen, especially Arabic ornaments such as kunafa, basbousa, maamoul etc.

As well as alloqimat ,Qatayef, Maqaroon, and the remaining sweets that add more  sweeten delicious for coffee, candy Eid Al Fitr or candy Eid al-Adha.


The originality of Arab cuisine is shown in all occasions, holidays and celebrations,

Where the dining table shines best to indicate the generosity of this kitchen.


Date :


In fact, Arabs from the Arabian Peninsula were previously heavily dependent on an excellent diet consisting of dates, wheat, barley, rice and meat, as well as a high dependence on yoghurt products, such as yoghurt. Like any other Semitic people from the Arabian Peninsula who toured the Arab world, this led to the allocation and dissemination of the Arab taste, while affecting the components of the country they went to.


There is a strong focus on the following items

 In Arabic Cuisine:


Meat: Lamb and chicken are the most commonly used, beef and camels are also used to a lesser extent, poultry are used

In some areas to a lesser extent, and coastal populations use higher fish.

Pork is not eaten in general by Muslim Arabs because it is forbidden in Islamic law.


Dairy products :

Dairy and its products are widely used, mostly yogurt and white cheese, however, butter, eggs and cream are also widely used. Dairy is also consumed directly as a drink

Gulf states, Iran and Turkey. Iranian and Turkish milk is distinguished from the Gulf by adding

 Salt to it.


Herbs and spices:

 Mint and thyme are widely used, and their use today is almost universal; spices are used much less in Indian cuisine, but quantity and variety vary from region to region.

Some herbs and spices include sesame, saffron, turmeric, garlic, cumin, cinnamon, and sumac.


Drinks: Hot drinks are used more than cold, coffee is ranked first on the menu, others prefer tea (specifically Sri Lanka tea).


Cereals: Rice is used in most dishes with wheat. It is the main source of bread as well as bulgur and semolina and are widely used.


Beans: Lentil is widely used as well as beans, peas and chickpeas.


vegetables and fruits :

This kitchen also favors vegetables such as cucumber, eggplant, couscous, okra and onions

Pumpkin, potatoes and tomatoes.


As for the fruit (citrus in the first place) it is often used as an appetizer before eating.

Olive is a large part of the Arab cuisine in addition to dates, figs and pomegranates.


Nuts: Include in most uses pine nuts, pistachio nuts, nuts and walnuts.


Green Plants:

 Parsley and mint are spices for many dishes, while spinach and mallow are cooked as a separate main dish.


Sauces: The most popular sauce includes various types of olive oil, lemon juice, parsley, garlic, tahini, yogurt, and yogurt. The flavors are often added with mint, onion and garlic (to taste) and served as a sauce with different dishes.

Note that many of the spices used in Arabic cuisine are also used in Indian cuisine, due to previous business transactions between India And the Gulf States.


مستخدم محذوف‎
من قبل مستخدم محذوف‎

…قراءة المزيد

 Difference in culture , and Enovation


Thanks for invitation

المزيد من الأسئلة المماثلة