أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.
step by step
It is not easy as it seems to succeed as a contractor cause this branch of work needs two kinds of knowledge
First: earning experience thanks to implementation some projects
Second: studying a professional study like PMP
Now you are able to judge!!!
Judge what!!!???
You can decide to get throw a project or not
Studying project:
Collecting information about the project "location, environment, technical information, consultant and owner"
Quantities serving
Estimating cost
Estimating risks
Comparing project tasks with my options & abilities
Put a price
Preparing a good stuff of engineers & workers
Preparing site
Dividing project in to steps
Put a time schedule
Watch cash flow
Keep an eye on everything every time