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What are the best devices used for safety (fire-detection of leaks) in the laboratory note that the lab uses all the chemicals and gases

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Obaidullah Alsubhi , Safety senior supervisor , Petolube Co
تاريخ النشر: 2013/10/18

The best devices used for safety (fire-detection of leaks) in the laboratory of all chemicals and gases usage are as follow: .Fire Extinguishers ( Carbon Dioxide, ABC dry chemical, ABC dry powder,  .Powder Fire Extinguisher )   .Fire Alarm Call   .Hydrogen Sulfide and Ammonia gas detector in fume hood.   .Chemical Spill pillow ( Absorbent)   .Emergency showers   .Emergency eyewashes  .First aid kits   .Smoke detector   .Speaker 

.Use PPE and Spill kit to contain spill



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