ابدأ بالتواصل مع الأشخاص وتبادل معارفك المهنية

أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.


What are the most important means to ensure the loyalty and effectiveness of "Team Work" .?

The Human Resources elements in modern management are the main and the most important resource of each company, so to achieving great results for any organization, leaders need to have a motivation strategy to create and maintain the spirit of enthusiasm among employees.

We'll mention below areth important effective ways for motivate staff and ensure the continuous growth of organization:-

1. Share the "Organizational Vision" with each member.

Everyone must be aware of the collective vision, this will lead to prosperity and success of all, "motivation and enthusiasm" have to be the indivisible parts of all activities.

That powerful vision will continuously concentrate the attention of staff on the glory of reaching.

2. Continuous and effective communication with Staff.

We can’t learn about ideas, attitude or concerns of team members without constant communication.

If we use each opportunity to interact with them we'll discover hundreds of new ways of organizing activities more successfully.

3. Appreciating People.

One of the greatest needs of each person is the need of being appreciated.

Very often appreciation is a greater reward than money.

Successful leader knows very well the ways in which he appears sincere gratitude for the unique contribution from staff

4. Support New Ideas.

The closure of the management of the enterprise on its ideas and the refrain from to open the door for dialogue of new ideas, especially young elements, necessarily leads to the stagnation in the administration and to the repetition, resulting in the cessation of the growth of organizations and direction of landing in the market

Closed administrative thought not only leads to the collapse of organizations, but entire countries collapsed because of it

Each team member will feel empowered by the opportunity to not only implement day to day tasks, but as well as suggest new ideas and make them a reality. Give people a chance to take initiative and you will be amazed by their ability to create brilliant ideas.

5. Give Challenging Tasks.


People can’t grow if they are constantly doing what they have always done.

Let your team develop new skills by giving challenging tasks.

At the same time make sure the tasks are reachable and in the frames of the person’s interests, Avoid when planning for goals those which are highly difficult because they will frustrate the team and destroy morale.


6. Encourage Creativity.

Supervising doesn’t mean controlling each and every step.

It means making sure that all the organizational activities are being implemented at the highest level.

We have to give people the freedom to find their own unique ways of solving issues.

 Enrich their thinking towards to the challenge and think out of the box.

7. Give Each One of staff "Opportunities to Grow"

If we pushing people to think about that everything is going to be the same way all the time, they will definitely lose the motivation to put their maximum efforts in work.

We must put a clear plan for rewards confirm to all, that devotion and hard work will lead to new personal and professional achievements.

8. Empower Each Individual.

Very often people need just a little encouragement to believe in themselves and to realize that they have a greater potential within. Always show your confidence in the unique abilities and potential of your team members.

9. Support your team as Much as You Can.

Even if people in your organization are self-disciplined and creative enough for finding solutions to various problems, anyway they are always in need of your guidance. Support them as much as you can, and they will be inspired to do the same for you and for the organization.

. Manage Each One Individually.

If we follow the same standard way of managing the team will cause many negative effects in the long term, that every person has their strengths and weaknesses.

Someone may be amazing at Designing, while the other one has great writing skills.

Give people a chance to operate in the frames of their strengths, and they will be more confident and motivated in their activities.

. Don’t Let Your Team Become Bored.

Do you want an enthusiastic and productive team?

Then avoid routine.

Routine is the enthusiasm killer. Let people explore and discover. Make the work as interesting and engaging as you can.

. Create Healthy Competition.

People contribute their efforts and ideas to the maximum when they know that outstanding excellence will lead to rewards.


Organization must have an effectively reward system; also make sure that the reward system is absolutely transparent to everyone.

. Celebrate Each Success.

Even the smallest achievements are worth being celebrated. The road to success consists of thousand small steps. Glorify each and every goal achieved. Show to your team that all of you made one more important step forward.

. Create a Good Working Environment.

The successful leader focuses on creating a good and constructive work environment.

Research showed that environment is more important to employees than money.

So this is a great chance to create extra motivation for staff by making the work environment a beautiful place to work rest and have fun at the same time.

. Create and Maintain a Team Spirit.

Team is like a family, where mutual support and trust are the most important values. Organize team activities both during working time and after. You will have the half of success by creating and maintaining a powerful team spirit at the workplace.


1-  Magic Driving by  Dr. Ibrahim El-Fiki

2-  The Irrefutable Laws of Leadership - by John Maxwell.

3-  The Power of Positive Leadership - Jon Gordo.

4-  Leadership Gold - by John C. Maxwell

Leading Change. John P. Kotter.

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Ahmed Mansor , FINANCE MANAGER , Z&A GROUP, ABU DHABI, UAE, DUBAI, AL AIN
تاريخ النشر: 2017/12/24
Asha Kanta Sharma
من قبل Asha Kanta Sharma , Team Leader Finance , Opendoors Fintech Private Limited

Companies should delegate authority and make people accountable. No need to micro manage things and should focus on Macro Level only. I have also seen companies to set unrealistic targets just for the sake of creating pressure. I think they should set realistic targets which are based on real life research on ground reality or market conditions etc. They should also ensure that people enjoy their work as well as have a sound work-life balance. Companies can also train its people with the current development in the industry trends. Rotations can also helps in breaking the monotony of the peoples which gives them exposure to different areas of the organisation. And most importantly companies should Encourage, motivate, reward and recognize its peoples to motivate them to keep doing well to the organizational goals and targets.

Abiodun Joda
من قبل Abiodun Joda , office manager , Tola Joda Innovations

Loyalty in team can be achieve through proper motivation, performance appraisal and compensation, giving appropriate team training and proper scrutinization...

Umer Farooq
من قبل Umer Farooq , Recruitment coordinator , Allied Services International Limited

Loylaity play important rule for organizational Success. if employee is loyal with over work and achived over task with in given period of time then it create postive rule in whole environment.

biratu kebeda
من قبل biratu kebeda

it can bring growth of one organization as well as employee

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