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What is behind the success of Uber or Careem? Who is their target market?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Sarah Ali , Senior Evaluation Specialist , United Nations
تاريخ النشر: 2018/01/04
Lawi Mamai
من قبل Lawi Mamai , Senior Accountant , Finance and Economic Planning Department

Uber has built itself as a trusted brand worldwide, from Africa through Europe, America, to the East. They are a visible brand everywhere, hence very convenient. The same app I use in one country is the same I use in another country. This provides customers with the convenience of familiarity, since they only have to subscribe and download the app once.

Uber has a constant and regular real-time customer feedback collection mecanism which helps them understand the market even better, without carrying complex and costly customer surveys. Uber is basically using their customers to market and improve their services, which is good for business.

Uber also makes customers feel safe in a new place since the drivers have to undergo a background check, and there are also standards that they have to meet in terms of the type and condition of vehicle.

Lastly, the various partneships that Uber enters into like Uber Eats is also a super move since it increases the services that a customer can get from one place. Call it convenience!

Amr Ibrahim
من قبل Amr Ibrahim , Restaurant Operation Manager , Trio For Restaurant Management






Emmanuel Wamweta
من قبل Emmanuel Wamweta , production supervisor , Tembo Steel Rolling

I will follow the submissions of experts in this case. Thanx for the invitation

Kimberly Riggins
من قبل Kimberly Riggins , STEM Coordinator/Teacher , HH Father Emir of Doha

I can think of country or city specific reasons why Uber is successful. Having traveled around the world, you have to prepare yourself for the hassles of using a taxi and that is true almost everywhere I've been.  Uber takes the hassle out of the process and keeps everything and everyone on a level playing field.  But that's from the point-of-point-of-veiw of the tourist.  Locals use it too and I would have to say it's because of the standards they have for the vehicles, the consistent interaction between customer and client, and the technology they have applied to the process.  No matter where you are, the basic transaction is conducted the same and for the client that is reassuring and comforting to an extent.  Of course each driver brings there own personality to the experience but procuring the service is a consistent process and in business, reliable and consistent customer facing processes are more likely to be successful. 

It helps that their pricing is competitive too.

essaid taghra
من قبل essaid taghra , Supervisor at Armani Dubai , al tayer group

Each of us need a simple way to reach the goal...uber and careem is an easy way to let you feel comfortable,while im seating and having my cup of coffee with a simple click i can manage my trip timing and cost ..specially now it’s very hard to stand in the street waiting taxi i will have my own driver via careem or uber to drive me to my prefered location ..is just a simple example for how they success

Zulqarnain  Mukhtar Mahmood
من قبل Zulqarnain Mukhtar Mahmood , Assistant Manager , Karachi Shipyard & Engineering Works Limited

The main factor behind the success of Uber and Careem is that they facilitate each customer according to their expectation. Provide different codes or packages to attract their customers to ride on smooth and comfortable vehicles to reach thier destinations in cheap fares. Save time for each customer.

Their target market is people of metropolitan cities or renonwed cities of different countries to provide fastest and smooth rides to reach thier destinations within the cities. 

adnan hassan
من قبل adnan hassan , Assistant Manager IT Service Delivery , Ibex Global Solutions (A TRG Company)

Well I am a regular user of Careem and Uber in my Country and both have expanded exponentially over the course of 12 months.

The secret to their success is the unique idea of matching customers with clients (Uber, Careem Captains (Drivers)) instead of the other way around which is normal practice all over the world. 

Their target market is anyone and everyone who is looking to spend less money and cover the required distances to be from one place to another.

I have personally seen people who own vehicles using Careem and Uber for their normal day to day use within the respective city.

Another thing that I would like to add is when both companies started they started big as far as investing their money in customers and clients alike and built their traffic and now they just simply earn and earn more with every passing day.

Ehsan Banat
من قبل Ehsan Banat , Sales Manager , Kuwait Paint Co.

Don't know who you are talking about hahahahahahah

Maybe I am back dated 

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