أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.
1. Listen to both of them individually
2. Decide on the point of conflict
3. Have joint disussion with them and visualize them long term goals which they may achieve together overcoming the small issues and developing a mature professional relationship.
Need to understand their problems standing on their shoes, have F2F discussions and resolve. You need to be a mentor
Engage in one on one discussions with each separately. Whilst doing this listen attentively and dont make any judgments or statements.
Deliberate by yourself afterwards, and make a phone call if advise or clarifty is needed.
Call the guys back in, have a critical concersation with them. Explain what it is that you have heard, and if it is a personal conflict, then explain that you can not allow it to impact their work. Give them the choice of solving it by themselves, which works 90% of the time. Otherwise take action where the work is impacted in order to change their behaviour. We are working in a dangerous environment and it should be treated as such.
Work related issues are simple, if you have the respect of the team, then you make a judgment and give reasons for your outcome. Explain it to them as a lesson learned.
Listen to both of them & analyze which statement is correct . Take proper decision which must be good for both & avoid the chance of conflict.
Discuss and resolve the conflicting issue.
Settting of Grievance readdressal system in organisation.
Leader must act resposibly to be respected.
1. I will listen to both of them in private
2. Tackle the issue after they calmed dowen.
3. Understand the nature of the conflict.
4. As a leader I'll give them the right solution.
listen to both and agree with both of them on their views.
# listen to both sides.
# understand the nature of the conflict.
# find a solution, employers dont need to be best friend they just need to get the job done.
1. Listen to all sides of a story in private
2. Eliminate bias, unnecessary details, insults, etc (Stick to fact)
3. Formulate judgment based on information gathered
4. Talk to each individual differently based on information gathered
5. Come to an agreement/compromise/solution