أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.
1. I would definitely choose a first step, attitude over the skill. Whereas skills could be trained I am afraid the attidue can't be. A negative individual will ruin the team slowly.
2. I would check his suitability of course. Unlike what companies do nowadays, instead of the 100% suitability, I would go for 80%. You don't need an employee who knows it all but one that has room for improvement.
3. Depending on the position, I will ask for concrete examples, I will ask him about the reason he is applying to the company and why should I hire him.
1. Make candidate relax, calm or friendly so we can have real person with stable mind and can extract more info about personality.
2. Interview details must be in a such way that what we are looking ideal for candidate can fix for said positions.
3. Job description and candidate profile percent matching.
4. If possible take feedback from canidates who are not recruited by an organisation, so that will improove quality of conducting interview pattern.
Neagtive motivation.
we can use it to move bad employees towards objectives.