ابدأ بالتواصل مع الأشخاص وتبادل معارفك المهنية

أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.

asmaa helmy
من قبل asmaa helmy

من خلال الفئه العمريه لهم او الفئه الاجتماعيه المقصوده من سلعتك وطريقة تعاملهم معها او تقبلهم لها واعرف المكان استخدماته فمثال تسويق سلعه مثل ساعات من ماركه معينه لا يمكن تسويقها فى سوق او فى مكان او منطقه تعمل على الزراعه مكان تسويقها يكون فى اماكن اخرى ولطبقات اخرى اختيار المكان وتحديده والدخل المعروف لمهن اصحاب هذه المناطق ومتطلباتها الاساسيه والكماليات التى يحتاجون اليها وعلى حسب الذوق والدخل يتم تحديد احتياجاتهم

Mohammad Anan
من قبل Mohammad Anan , tour guide free lance , Travco travel, Misr travel, Wings tours, Highway travel.

The absolute fundamental aim is to make money out of satisfying customers.
here are the steps that will help you: - Understand What Motivates People
1- You have to find out how to press the "hot buttons" that turn consumers on, and this reality means gaining an understanding of what motivates them in real-life situations.
2-To turn people on, you must, first, find out what they really want, and then, show them how to get it.
- Define Your Target Market Think of your target market and clients you wish to work with – list the best qualities.
What is their specific title or profession? Can they be categorized easily? List every important quality you can come up with.
Consider geography, cultures, age, income level, values, interests, etc.
- Offer a Solution To Your Customers' Problems "Selling Is Problem Solving" What problems do your current or potential customers face? List 5 distinct problems, issues, pains, dilemmas, challenges, worries, fears, unsatisfied desires – even if they seem unrelated to the services you offer.
Write these succinctly and clearly.
For each of the 5 problems/pains listed, spell out your solution – what customer value do you produce; what can your clients expect to get out of your work with them? Don't just list your services here.
Instead, specify the end-result benefit they will receive.
Speak to your market as if you know them personally; appeal to your market's desires and pains.
- Understand the Dynamics of Customer Needs Understanding customer needs will help you define new market opportunities and drive innovation and revenue growth in every aspect of your organization.
In the new rapidly changing economy, however, customer predictability is dead.
"Whatever a customer wants today may not be what he or she wants tomorrow.
Or he or she may want more of it.
If you're offering low prices, customers want those prices slashed further.
If you're offering state-of-the art products, they want them newer still.
In meeting ever-increasing customer demands for lower, faster, better, and newer, companies are driving themselves and their competitors to the brink.
You can't predict the future, but by establishing effective change management practices you can be ready for whatever it brings.
- Use Different Types of Interaction You don't need a degree in psychology to compete successfully in the marketplace, but you do need some way to figure out the different styles of interaction different people prefer to use.
People tend to lead their decision-making process with one of the four functions: intuition, thinking, feeling, and sensing.
Vividly differentiated differences that are anchored to a product and engage the above functions can enhance memory of your current and prospective customers.

aboubkrine mahmoud outhmane
من قبل aboubkrine mahmoud outhmane , استاذ , اعدادية مكطع لحجار

لابد لكي تعرف أذواق المستهلكين من جمع بعض المعلومات اللتي نخص الفئة الاجتماعية المستهدفة من الخصائص الاجتماعية والفكرية وحتي نمط التفكير فمن خلال ذالك تكون فكرة تساعدك في تحديد الاسلوب الذيستتبعة في التسويق لهذ المنتج فمثلا اذاكان مواد غذائية لابد ان تكون مستوحات من البئة نفس الشيء اذاكانت مواد أخري مثا الألبسة فعليك مراعات الذوق العام

المزيد من الأسئلة المماثلة