ابدأ بالتواصل مع الأشخاص وتبادل معارفك المهنية

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Talent Retention - a question for HR Professionals; is it our responsibility ?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Izam Sabawi , HR Account Manager - Middle East North Africa Region , International Finance Corporation ( IFC ), World Bank Group
تاريخ النشر: 2013/10/23
Zafar Iqbal
من قبل Zafar Iqbal , Teacher (Pak Studies) Subject Specialist , Home Tutor

Yes its HR liability to retain the resource you have hired.  If you are not satisfy with the performance of the resource it mean there are flaws in our hiring/recruitment system.  But if you think there  is no problem in the system then it is our prime responsibility to retain the resource.

Shahzad Khan
من قبل Shahzad Khan , Deputy Manager - Human Resources , The Searle Company Limited

Dear Izam, this is one of the core challenge which employers are facing and I would share my experience so far in the employee retention. Usually HR has been considered or I would say blame for not retaining the talent and this is not true and reason being Head of department / managers is equally responsible for retaining the employee. I will share you the practical example, we had been asked to search for suitable candidate as per the requirement and we did so, shortlist number of candidates, arrange their interviews and finally along with technical head and he joined us. Multiple time employee report to HR about non-cooperative behavior of managers and some time its lead to his resignation. What I have observed some heads feels insecurity with talented employee and foresee him as his successor and those who lack in certain skills will consider this as thereat and didn’t allow him to work independently.

With one of my past employer, due to arrogant and abusive attitude of manager there was loss of core employee who runs the department and the only sufferer was not employee nor that manager. It was the EMPLOYER as they didn’t address them immediately. Yes Hr is partially responsible for employee retention via designing attractive and employee friendly policies, paving the way for conducive environment where one works with full attention and engagement and addressing their issue within the guidelines from policies.


Now if still employee move due to better opportunity then neither HR nor concern manager could do anything. So be assured that HR is solely not responsible for retaining the talent it’s a joint venture. Still your need further details, please do let me know. Cheers!!!

Shravan Raghunath
من قبل Shravan Raghunath , Senior Business Systems Analyst , Epsilon

Talant retention should be one of the priorities of the company strategies. with the changing roles of HR in industry to a much more evolved strategic partner, it thus becomes the responsibity of the HR team to engage in talent retention. Technology can be replaced. but talent as such cannot be. it is ideal for the HR dept to engage in talent retention and manage the critical resources at hand providing a competitive edge.

محمد صالح بن جحلان
من قبل محمد صالح بن جحلان , إدارة العلاقات الحكومية والميناء , مؤسسة إنجاز الفنار للمقاولات والتشغيل والصيانة


All Maitalq by the employee from the beginning to the end, responsibility for managing human material


Retention of key talent — those employees who are the strongest performers, have high potential or are 

in critical jobs — is even more important during economic recoveries when organizations compete 

aggressively for market share and talent. Key talent disproportionally contributes to current organization 

performance and to future performance since key employees often become organization leaders. Losing 

key talent costs considerably more since these employees’ impact and contribution are greater than that of 

typical employees. Estimates suggest that the cost of employee turnover often ranges from50% to200% 

of the employee’s annual salary based on the type and level of job he/she holds. These costs are 

substantial for even medium-sized organizations that have moderate rates of turnover.




Adnan Alansari
من قبل Adnan Alansari , معاون المدير التنفيذي , شركة تاج الوسام المستثمرة في جزيرة بغداد السياحية

Yes, of course

ali fageeh
من قبل ali fageeh , مرفقه في السيرة الذاتيه أدناه , صندوق التنميه الزراعية وإمارة منطقة عسير

yes it is.

المزيد من الأسئلة المماثلة

هل تحتاج لمساعدة في كتابة سيرة ذاتية تحتوي على الكلمات الدلالية التي يبحث عنها أصحاب العمل؟