أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.
Social Media Analytics can describe the right timing for the content management. Please have a look at your account to be precise while posting.
Content is key factor in for acceptance of wide rage of sudiance: following may be some useful ingredients for a viral content.
light in presentation
shortest possible duration/text
getting viral needs uniqueness of your content, there is no specific time to share. however, relevance of your content to the in demand issue is also a plus
Yes you can use Facebook insight and Facebook business Manager to manage your content. On the section of demographics, you will choose your target audience and then the time of the ad, like if you want to target the audience in UAE, you have to set the timing of the ad, when your target audience will be online otherwise facebook will publish your ad and you may not get the right audience.
The most-shared Face book Page content is Photo and Video. Content that will you're able to shared different, attractive and specific content that's visually proven to increase emotionally. The best time to post on Face book is between 12 p.m. and 3 pm any day.