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MySQL Syntax Error is one of the frequent errors received by many users. Basically the primary reason for getting MySQL error code is incorrect or mistyped SQL syntax. However, taking some manual approaches can fix this issue just in a short span of time. or try SysInfo MySQL Database Recovery
When any MySQL error occurs, it indicates the problem along with a description and the way to fix it. Hence, for different syntax errors, it shows different fix solutions. Some of them are mentioned here, follow them according to the syntax error that is troubling you:
To fix the spelling errors mistyped commands and typos you must recheck before executing them. In case, you are unable to recall the correct syntax; we advise you to refer to MySQL Manual and search for the syntax for the version you’re using. The error will get resolved if you replace all the typos and mistyped commands with the correct syntax.
You can also try IDEs and MySQL tools that help you with MySQL syntax errors by highlighting or pop-up alerts when you execute the query. If the IDE that you installed is lacking the feature of detecting syntax errors, look for a plugin that is designed for this purpose to debug the issue.
Users face various errors while working on SQL. The SQL Error 1064 is such type of error. It is caused by syntax issue in SQL command or misspelt keywords. Causes of SQL 1064 error
To resolve SQL 1064 error
Resolve the SQL Error 1064 by keeping above points in mind.